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Picture of BobHale
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The first summer that I taught at Harrow there was another teacher there who was a rather objectionable man. At lunch and dinner the teachers and pupils all stood in one queue and waited to be served. On one occasion he marched right to front with his tray and demanded "Serve me first, I'm a teacher!" The kitchen staff ignored him and continued to serve people in the queue. He stormed off to find the kitchen supervisor and brought her back to complain in public about her staff. He went a very interesting shade of purple when instead of reprimanding them she really told him off about his own bad manners and told him to go to the back of the queue and wait his turn like everyone else. There wasn't any cheering but there were a lot of satisfied faces around.

"No man but a blockhead ever wrote except for money." Samuel Johnson.
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Was he American? Wink
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"No man but a blockhead ever wrote except for money." Samuel Johnson.
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Picture of Richard English
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every so often we all will come across a butinsky.

That's a new word to me. Wordweb has it as "buttinsky" and defines it as "...A meddler who tends to butt in..."

Richard English
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<Asa Lovejoy>
Butinsky, buttinsky... Reminds me of a dog in the park today who rose to the occasion when a female dog offered her rear to sniff. Would that be "ascent?"
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"But out, but-insky", is a fairly common expression, or was, maybe 10 years ago. I haven't heard it recently, because of the whimsical nature of the expression, as well as it being somewhat rude.
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Hi, everyone that's here. I googled my way to this discussion so I don't yet know the larger purpose of the larger site, but I did notice that this thread is about double-dactyls, so I thought I would post a few of mine. Please excuse any hackneyed words or subjects:

Higgledy Piggledy
Catherine of Aragon
Henry VIII found con-
Venient to wed

Differences parted them
Cost her her crown but, thank
God, not her head.

Higgledy Piggledy
Marian Anderson
Eleanor Roosevelt
Asked to perform

Hall having reckoned her
Coloratura not
Up to the norm).

Higgledy Piggledy
Natalee Holloway
Went to Aruba a-
long with her class

And though the island was
Nectar is not what was
Poured in her glass.
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Picture of jerry thomas
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Granny O'Doul,

Thanks for sharing your DD's with the Community.

Here's one that I recently dreamed up in response to a trivial news item that said the First President of the U.S.A. had a set of false teeth made from wood.

General Washington
Resident President
Got some new dentures
Long overdue.

His dentist was into
"Better than no teeth," he
Said, ... wooden chew ?
Posts: 6708 | Location: Kehena Beach, Hawaii, U.S.A.Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Kalleh
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Welcome, Granny! We do like DDs here, and Jerry is one of our best. Big Grin I have sent you a welcome PM. BTW, where are you from?

I love the "wooden chew" part, Jerry, and the "indenturedwordcarving" is a great word; with a nip and a tuck on the meter here and there...it's a real keeper!
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Thanks for the welcome, Jerry and Kalleh. I have filled in the location line in my profile so I guess we will soon see if it took.
Posts: 10 | Location: New York CityReply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Kalleh
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Higgledy Piggledy
Granny, our Wordcrafter,
New to our forum, writes
Dactyls that rule!

Home is New York for her,
Disadvantageously; Wink
Welcome here anyway,
Granny O'Doul!

I had to say something about NY, with my being from the second city and all! Kidding of course! I will be in NY next week for a conference, and I am looking forward to it.
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Picture of jerry thomas
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piggledy higgledy
Johann Sebastian
Bach put to music the
Language he spoke

Describing his strategy
Said to the world, "I'll
go for Baroque."
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Picture of Kalleh
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Oh...I love your L8!

Figures...it looks like Granny O'Doul didn't stick. I am in NY now and enjoying the city immensely.
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Picture of TrossL
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Figures...it looks like Granny O'Doul didn't stick.QUOTE]

Kalleh... Granny may be back again... maybe she's just a part time surfer like yours truly...
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Picture of Kalleh
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I am doing this one for Wordmatic because she has never written a DD Before. Judy Topinka is running for governor in IL, and she is hardly very likeable...though I may be a little biased. Wink

Higgledy Piggledy
Candidate Judy T.,
running for governor
In Illinois.

She is Republican;
I may be biased, but,
She is no joy!
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Picture of Kalleh
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Hey Wordmatic...your turn!
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Picture of Kalleh
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Higgledy Piggledy
Englishman Constable,
Raised on the banks where the
Waterways flow.

"Nature's the fountain's head":
That was his motto, though
Boy was he slow!

There is a great exhibit at the National Gallery of Art in Washington DC now: Constable's Great Landscapes. It is outstanding, and if anyone gets to DC, I highly recommend it. Constable is known for reworking his paintings, thus the comment of being "slow" to finish them. He grew up in East Bergholt, a village in the Stour River valley of Suffolk County in the SE of England. The countryside was dominated by a waterway that was navigable for barge traffic. Constable loved nature, and especially skies.

I adore his work.
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Kalleh, I dont' read all the forums every day--so, just saw this.

Hmm, tonight is Halloween, so perhaps between rounds of answering the doorbell, doling out candy and keeping the dog away from same, I could write my very first double dactyl. Something with actual words.

We'll see...
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Doubly dactylly,
Worming and squirming,
I fight with these syllables
Till they behave;

Wouldn't you rather
Have someone more eloquent
Write something better
Than this little rave?
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Picture of Kalleh
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Hmmm, we have a little work to do, but we will get there. Wink

Here is a brief review of the rules:

1) The first line must be a double dactyl in meter and something whimsical, like "Higgledy Piggledy."

2) The second line, also a double dactyl in meter, must be the name of someone, though you can fudge it a bit. "John Constable" obviously doesn't work, so I used Englishman Constable.

3) The third line must be a double dactyl rhythm, but the fourth line's meter is: /../ (and the last word must rhyme with the last word of line 8).

4) The fifth, sixth and seventh lines must also be double dactyl in rhythm, and one of those lines must be a six syllable word (double dactyl in meter, such as "characteristically." They really aren't that hard to find; the "ality" words or the "ically" words are good.)

5) Lastly, the 8th line is similar in meter to the 4th line, and it must rhyme with line 4.

There...on the whole, not bad, right? [I am glad we don't have to do an omnificent dictionary on it!] The hardest part, for me, is line 2 with the name of someone in double dactyl meter.
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Picture of wordmatic
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Clearly I will have to spend more than 5 minutes on my next one. Doubly dactylly wasn't nonsense enough for you???? I'm crushed! Big Grin

[let's see... sour old Pope Benedict. No... might insult somebody. George Herbert Walker Bush. Been done to death... Governor Ed Rendell. Maybe, but nobody outside Pennsylvania's heard of him. 'Lizabeth, Queen of Hats....???]

Posts: 1390 | Location: Near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USAReply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of wordmatic
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OK, this one has meter problems, but since I don't have to worry about RFAs over here, read it and weep!

Royalty Schmoyalty,
'Lizabeth, Queen of Hats,
Reigns o'er her subjects--but
Just by their grace.

If the Republicans
Raise the votes needed, they'll
Her crown erase!
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Higgledy Piggledy
Kalleh, Chicagoan
Greeter of newbies and
Writer of verse

Complex aside, still, the
Place could do worse.
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Picture of wordmatic
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Deuteropolitan! That's a great one, GrannyO. Clearly, to keep up with this bunch, I need to increase my repertoire of 6-syllable, double dactylic words.

Posts: 1390 | Location: Near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USAReply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Kalleh
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Wordmatic, as for "Doubly dactylly," it surely is whimsical, though I say "doubly" with only 2 syllables (sounds like an OEDILF workshop, doesn't it?).

Your new one is much better! Allow me a couple of tinkers? Line 7 - sorry, but "constitutionally" isn't a double dactyl meter. Line 8 - the meter should be /../

But what an improvement! These things aren't easy.

Nice to see you back, Granny. I am so glad the place could do worse...I think. Roll Eyes My mother used to call that a "back-handed compliment." Deuteropolitan? I have no clue what is meant by that, and my computer didn't help.
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Picture of arnie
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I'd say it's a word coined by Granny O'Doul to describe a resident of the Second City. (As in Deuteronomy, the second book in the Bible.) You are honoured to have a word coined to describe you! Big Grin

Build a man a fire and he's warm for a day. Set a man on fire and he's warm for the rest of his life.
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Picture of Kalleh
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Well, of course. Thanks, arnie.
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Picture of jerry thomas
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Snickery snakery ...
Joseph T. Collins's ...
Still promulgating
Reptilian lore

Meet on his website
Copperheads, gartersnakes,
Rattlers and more.
Posts: 6708 | Location: Kehena Beach, Hawaii, U.S.A.Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Kalleh
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Nice, Jer! [I'd add a "the" after L3 and a "for" after L5...but then I am an meterologically anal!]

I love the "herpetological."
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Picture of jerry thomas
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Snickery snakery ...
Joseph T. Collins's ...
Still promulgating rep-
Tilian lore

Click on his website for
Copperheads, gartersnakes,
Rattlers and more.

(second attempt)
Posts: 6708 | Location: Kehena Beach, Hawaii, U.S.A.Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Kalleh
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Great, Jer, and sorry for the critique. I am too used to OEDILF, I guess. Roll Eyes
Posts: 24735 | Location: Chicago, USAReply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of BobHale
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I'm no expert but isn't Popacatepetl three trochee rather than two dactyl?

"No man but a blockhead ever wrote except for money." Samuel Johnson.
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Picture of jerry thomas
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Thanks Bob.

You're right about the trochees and dactyls in the Popocatepetl disaster.

Too many irreparable flaws. I have deleted it and suggest that you delete your reply and we can all start over again, this time avoiding Mexican volcanos.


~~~ jerry
Posts: 6708 | Location: Kehena Beach, Hawaii, U.S.A.Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of BobHale
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Sure if you want me to but I think you are being too harsh on yourself. It may not have been a perfect DD but hey, why not invent your own new verse form - the triple-trochee (sounds like an ice cream flavour).
If I've learned anything over at the OEDILF it's that people can get way to restrictive in their ideas of how to do things. If I were you I'd put it back and call it a "trple-trochee". Of course if you really want to I'll delete this and the previous correspondence and we'll forget it ever happened.

"No man but a blockhead ever wrote except for money." Samuel Johnson.
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I'll take three trochees and call you in the morning.
Posts: 6708 | Location: Kehena Beach, Hawaii, U.S.A.Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Kalleh
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Go Bears!

Bare-i-ly Bear-i-ly
Chi-town's Coach Lovie Smith,
Led our great Bears as the
NFC Champ.

Fans were so fickle they
Put down profusely, but
Now they all stamp! Big Grin

Chicagoans, the media, and most football fans have been non-believers all year, even though the Bears have an excellent record. They may not win it all, but at least they will get to the Super Bowl.

I am so impressed. The NFC game was over today at about 5:30, and as I started this double dactyl at about 8:30, the Wikipedia already had the results of today's game by saying that Lovie Smith is the first African-American coach to lead a football team to the Superbowl.

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Higgledy Piggledy
Stella, New Zealander,
Joins us on Wordcraft for
Talk about words.

Expert in lim'ricks, she
Says that these dactyls are,
Just for the birds! Wink

Stella is a very nice limerick writer on OEDILF, even though she tells me she has never written them before. However, she tells me that DDs "terrify" her. They really aren't that bad once you get on to them, are they Wordcrafters?
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Picture of stella
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I’ve been through a lot trying to compose a DD since they were first mentioned to me, knowing that one day I would have to do it. This one is pedestrian, but it’s a start. Thanks, Kalleh for providing me with the inspiration (on the limerick thread)!

Cluckety pluckety
Kalleh of Wordcrafter
Gathers up newbies and
Makes them belong.

Generates joy and much
Trying to imagine her
Wearing a thong!
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Picture of Kalleh
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I believe our Miss Stella is referring to this "thong" comment. Let's just say, my dear, it wouldn't be a pretty picture. Big Grin

I will eat my hat if you haven't written these before. If you aren't spoofing me about that, I have never seen anyone catch on to limericks and DDs as quickly as you have. I don't find your DD "pedestrian" at all (though it is about me Wink).
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Eat away, Kalleh! I haven't. Truly! I will say though, only because I feel slightly beleaguered by not being believed, that there are a number of writers in my family. Not that I have ever done anything at all like this myself, my father having 'persuaded' me into sciences as a better career option (he thought) but I guess there may be writing genes lurking somewhere.

Funnily, I am the least likely person my family would consider has any writing talent - for which reason I haven't confided in them about joining the OEDILF or Wordcraft. Maybe sometime I will, but in the meantime I'm enjoying the smug satisfaction of doing OK on my own! Smile
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Okay...I'll get out the salt and pepper and get started then. I won't eat my cute beret that I bought in Paris, though...just my ugly black thing.
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Picture of arnie
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Out of curiosity, does a thong mean a type of footwear in NZ, as it does it Oz?

Build a man a fire and he's warm for a day. Set a man on fire and he's warm for the rest of his life.
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Picture of Caterwauller
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Let's just say, my dear, it wouldn't be a pretty picture.

I guess we'll take your word for that . . . however, I know for a fact that you've been working out every Saturday, at the very least. *wink*

"Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions.
~Dalai Lama
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Out of curiosity, does a thong mean a type of footwear in NZ, as it does it Oz?

No Arnie, we call those thongs jandals. I wouldn’t be surprised though if it was the Aussies who connected foot thongs with bottom thongs - they’re very good at that kind of visual connection! I s’pose you’ve heard of ‘budgie smugglers’? I am in the bawdy section, aren’t I? Smile

Another DD! This Kiwi ‘thong thinger’ is in the news.

Tralala falala
Kiri Te Kanawa
Sue me, Australia!
Beggar the cost!

"Divas do NOT", she said,
"Sing with a man at whom
Knickers are tossed!"

Dame Kiri is being sued for costs after pulling out of concerts with an Australian singer, John Farnham. She was horrified to discover that traditionally women throw their underwear at him which he waves aloft as trophies! Oooh!

Somewhere in the small print I also read that she thinks the Australian Philharmonic Orchestra can’t hold a tune! Ooooh!!

EDIT: Corrected line 3 and removed a superfluous apostrophe!!

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Picture of Kalleh
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The hardest part of DDs is finding a person with 6 syllables in DD meter. Great one! My only quibble is line 3 where you only have 4 syllables, and you need 6.
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Of course! All those years of maths gone to waste - I still can't count to 6! I'll edit to correct.

I take it these are generally about real people.
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Picture of Kalleh
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There was an article in the newspaper today saying that it could be that Barack Obama and George W. Bush are related. According to amateur genealogists, they could share great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandparents, Samuel Hinckley and Sarah Soole of 17th Century Massachusetts. So...

Higgledy Piggledy
White House incumbent Bush
Might be surprised to learn
Stories within.

Hobbyists find that Ba-
Rack H. Obama is
One of his kin!

I wonder if the Obama "slave-owner" angle will still be pushed with this new knowledge. Wink
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Picture of jerry thomas
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Higgledy piggledy
Chief Wilma Mankiller
Leading her Nation with
Positive vibes

Feminine leader of
One of the five famous
Civilized Tribes
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Picture of stella
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I haven’t written one of these for a while. Apologies for the made up 6 syl word!

Higgledy, piggledy,
Wayfaring wanderers,
Wending your way to Chi-
cago’s bright streets.

Miles to the south I am,
Wishing you wonderful
Wordcrafty treats.

I was going to put wet streets for the alliteration but thought you wouldn't want a bad weather forecast! Have fun!
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Picture of Kalleh
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Wow...that's great! Thanks, Stella. Next time we'll all meet in New Zealand. Wink
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