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Limerick Game: Tooleybuc Login/Join
Picture of Greg S
posted December 14, 2014 05:44
The Murray River forms most of the border between Australia's two most populous States, Victoria and New South Wales (NSW). The tiny town of Tooleybuc is on the NSW side of the Murray River.

It is pronounced as you'd expect (Tooly-Buck), so the emphasis is on the last syllable and therefore that is the only one you need to rhyme with.

Have fun! I look forward to receiving your limericks. Oh and if you think I should have picked one of the other towns mentioned in the other thread let me know, as I might use it, should I get to host another game.

Regards Greg
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Picture of Kalleh
posted December 14, 2014 21:08Hide Post
Wow - that's a fun one! I'll be thinking...
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Picture of Greg S
posted December 16, 2014 18:39Hide Post
Proof is commanding position at present with the only entry to date.

Regards Greg
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Picture of Kalleh
posted December 23, 2014 20:34Hide Post
I've been thinking - but not successfully.
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posted December 24, 2014 07:53Hide Post
Originally posted by Kalleh:
I've been thinking - but not successfully.

I like that quote. I think I'm going to put it up on my wall. Big Grin
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Picture of Greg S
posted December 27, 2014 04:30Hide Post
I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas, and got to spend plenty of time with loved ones. Now that that's over how about a few Tooleybuc limericks, so far it's just mine and Proof's.

Regards Greg
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Picture of Kalleh
posted December 28, 2014 21:23Hide Post
I am still having trouble. Tomorrow for sure.
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posted December 30, 2014 22:14Hide Post
There once was a fellah from Tooleybuc
Who was truly a really unruly duck
What he did with his tongue
Was never undone
And now we can’t get her unstuck

"The smell of the dust they kicked up was rich and satisfying" - Grahame
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Picture of Greg S
posted December 30, 2014 23:26Hide Post
WeeWilly - thanks for your contribution, but they are meant to be sent by Private Message to the instigator of the game, so that nobody else knows who wrote which one when they are all published in a Poll for Voting. I am sure in this instance you will be forgiven by all, and if they think yours is the best limerick they will still vote for it, even though they know which one is yours.

BTW - I have four now including WeeWilly's, but I think I need at least 2 more before going to a Poll.

Regards Greg
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posted December 31, 2014 11:44Hide Post
Would an administrator please append a statement of the protocol for playing the limerick game to the Wordplay forum? If this is done I'll resume posting them. I DO write them; I just don't post them any more. IMO, such guidelines should be the work of whoever it was who originated the limerick game, (Bob Hale, I think)

This message has been edited. Last edited by: Geoff, December 31, 2014 14:13
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Picture of Greg S
posted December 31, 2014 18:16Hide Post
I am sorry to hear that Geoff, I hope nothing I have said has offended you, I do tend to shoot off at the mouth occasionally. But the beauty of this game is that there aren't really any rules. If you write something that enough people like enough to vote it the winner, then it is the winner, no matter how closely or not it abides with the "rules" of what some of us might think a limerick should be. Please come back - the game needs more contestants. No idea who started it, I think it was going for at least a year or two before I stumbled upon the Wordcraft site and this game.

Regards Greg
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posted December 31, 2014 18:36Hide Post
In looking back in the archives I find that Bob Hale did start it in its present incarnation, although we did post limericks right at the beginning on Wordcraft. Then came the Oxford (the shoe, not the university) English Dictionary in Limerick Form, C.J. Strolin departed, and our limerick posts changed with that schism.

Some of us have been chided for adding extraneous limericks. It was that which caused my withdrawal. If this is to be a "play by the rules" thread, I'll abide; if not, that's fine with me, but I must have clarity.

I misunderstood WeeWily's limerick as being an extraneous one, assuming that he had PMed you with another. Thus did I make an ass of myself by assuming.

This message has been edited. Last edited by: Geoff, January 01, 2015 05:24
Posts: 6187 | Location: Muncie, IndianaReply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Greg S
posted December 31, 2014 19:55Hide Post
I think WeeWilly is a first time player and my original post did not state that the limericks are meant to be sent by Private Message, so he wouldn't have known that that's what you are meant to do.

Regards Greg
Posts: 991 | Location: Melbourne AustraliaReply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of bethree5
posted January 01, 2015 10:36Hide Post
Happy New Year!
Glad for WW's accidental public posting as it has inspired me to attempt this one again. I'm sure I'll come up with something...
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posted January 02, 2015 20:24Hide Post
Egad! Poor schmuck as I was! My posting wasn't accidental, but then I didna' know of the hidden landmines - and rules for the cognoscenti - surrounding limerick suggestions. By now I have been set straight - and very kindly, at that - by a forum member via PM.

So sorry for the social blunder, and thanks! Hopefully someone with appropriate power can remove my poor effort from the public view. After all, why keep me in the stocks any longer? Big Grin

"The smell of the dust they kicked up was rich and satisfying" - Grahame
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Picture of Kalleh
posted January 02, 2015 21:17Hide Post
People can post limericks in the thread; it's just that they then can't be voted on.
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Picture of arnie
posted January 03, 2015 03:14Hide Post
Originally posted by Kalleh:
People can post limericks in the thread; it's just that they then can't be voted on.
I don't think so. See my post in the 'rules' thread.

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Picture of Kalleh
posted January 04, 2015 20:55Hide Post
Yes, I see it now. However, I posted this here before your post in the Rules Revisited thread. I had not thought that an actual rule, but I can live with it if it is.

My personal opinion is that we are all about having fun, so who cares is someone takes the "zing" out of the poll, as Bethree says. My zings often zang anyway. Wink It's a game.
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Picture of Greg S
posted January 06, 2015 05:07Hide Post
I have 4 limericks, including my own, so far plus 2 for entertainment only, that I am under strict instructions not to include in the Poll. I'd still like a couple more for the Poll.

Regards Greg
Posts: 991 | Location: Melbourne AustraliaReply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Kalleh
posted January 06, 2015 11:27Hide Post
Too much talk and not enough limerick writing? Is that always the case. Wink
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Picture of Greg S
posted January 10, 2015 04:55Hide Post
I now have a 5th competition limerick, so is that enough to publish a Poll, or should I wait another couple of days?

Regards Greg
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Picture of Kalleh
posted January 10, 2015 20:06Hide Post
I'd go ahead.
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posted January 11, 2015 12:22Hide Post
I have relented. If Greg sees fit he can put mine in the poll, although it may distract from the good entries.
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Picture of Greg S
posted January 11, 2015 20:47Hide Post
The Poll is posted.

Regards Greg
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