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Limerick Game: Geelong Poll Login/Join
Picture of Greg S
posted October 18, 2010 05:03
The following are the Geelong limericks. Pick the one that most tickles your fancy and vote for it.

The best tea is Lapsong Souchong
But the way others drink it is wrong.
I sip my drinkie
With extended pinkie
Just as they do down in Geelong.

In Australia's a city, Geelong,
Where my girlfriend just doesn't belong.
She flaunts all her stuff
And if that's not enough,
She struts 'round the town in thee thong!

A gigolo workin' Geelong
Tells each client, "Babe, don't get me wrong.
Though I ain't one to skite,
You might get a fright
When ya check out the size o' me schlong!"

A harlot who worked in Geelong
Told a fellow, "Now don't be too long.
Although you've employed me
And I'd sooner you enjoyed me
I'm simply not feeling too strong."

I'm planning a journey to Geelong
To see if their football's as strong
As Gregory swears
(As good as our Bears?).
If not...I'll be off to Hong Kong!

Greg tried not to make his new plea long
Send me more limerick's for "Geelong"'
Well, I've nothing to say
To excuse my delay
But next time I'll try not to be long.

When Hank took a hit in Geelong,
The locals had doctored his bong,
And to his surprise,
While surfing the highs,
A dolphin jumped out of his dong.

There was a young boxer of Geelong
Said, "I am, as I'm sure you'll agree, strong.
In fact I'm the strongest!"
Turned out he was wrongest
His opponent was stronger. Way to be wrong.

Said this diffident guy from Geelong
To his new date, "I fear that my schlong
Though quite full of rigour
And blessed with fine vigour
Is not, I confess, all that long".

It took a while but we finally got a few done. Thanks!



Regards Greg
Posts: 991 | Location: Melbourne AustraliaReply With QuoteReport This Post
posted October 18, 2010 16:43
Two weeks ago, while attempting to place what I believed to be a fairly docile cat in a carrier, I found a feral buzzsaw attached to my finger. Within twelve hours my hand was badly swollen and eventually became the size of a baseball glove -- a very painful glove, indeed. Apparenly some cat bites are just as dangerous as a snake bite. So I was in no mood to compose limss for this contest. However, now that my hand is almost back to normal, I offer this one as an added attraction to the game.

A young lad living down in Geelong
Was possessed of a very wee dong.
And what made him much madder
Was his oversized bladder
Made time that he spent to pee, long.
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Picture of Greg S
posted October 18, 2010 17:55Hide Post
It would have received my vote.

Regards Greg
Posts: 991 | Location: Melbourne AustraliaReply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Kalleh
posted October 18, 2010 19:56Hide Post
Thanks, Greg. There are a number of good ones.
Posts: 24735 | Location: Chicago, USAReply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Greg S
posted October 20, 2010 22:17Hide Post
I need at least one more vote to split the tie.

Regards Greg
Posts: 991 | Location: Melbourne AustraliaReply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of BobHale
posted October 20, 2010 22:53Hide Post
I voted. It hasn't helped. Frown

"No man but a blockhead ever wrote except for money." Samuel Johnson.
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Picture of Greg S
posted October 20, 2010 23:42Hide Post
Well at least you've stayed with the strength, where the winning theme is clearly the male member whether referred to as a dong or a schlong.

Regards Greg
Posts: 991 | Location: Melbourne AustraliaReply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Kalleh
posted October 23, 2010 20:49Hide Post
Greg, you can break to the tie.
Posts: 24735 | Location: Chicago, USAReply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Greg S
posted October 30, 2010 01:35Hide Post
Hi Everyone,

Sorry it has taken me so long to get this completed, I have had a busy week, with my son over from Japan to receive his Masters in Linguistics. I had assumed that I would be casting a tie-breaking vote for Richard's schlong limerick (No. 9), but since I last looked someone else has voted for my schlong limerick (No. 3) so I guess that makes me the winner. Entries came from:

1 - Arnie
2 - Kalleh
3 - Me
4 - Richard
5 - Kalleh
6 - Bob
7 - Mike
8 - Bob
9 - Richard

Personally I really liked Richard's schlong and Mike's dolphin dong limericks. Of the others my favourite was Kalleh's thong limerick but I would have liked it a whole lot better if she'd used the lazy pronunciation of Geelong and finished with "a thong", rather than "thee thong". For the record in Australia thongs are what most of the rest of the world calls "flip-flops", but in the singular form we still recognise it as an undergarment.

I will post a new game shortly.

Regards Greg
Posts: 991 | Location: Melbourne AustraliaReply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Greg S
posted October 30, 2010 02:30Hide Post
The new game for the town of Penola has been posted.

Regards Greg
Posts: 991 | Location: Melbourne AustraliaReply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Kalleh
posted October 30, 2010 17:05Hide Post
Congrats, Greg! Nice game, though I hope the new one is a teeny bit easier.
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