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So - whom you voted for: 1. A Jolly Good Fellow from Rye (Which no one could ever deny) But with ladies? No fun; He would see them and run, Because he was ever so shy. -- Haberdasher 2. Train north from NY on the fly: I spotted a matron from Rye-- Her pearls and sweater-set Said ‘girls’ and ‘I’m all wet’-- But sadly it all was a lie. -- beethree5 3. I once asked an old man in Rye “Beg your pardon, I don’t mean to pry But why is it that You’ve a tall tin foil hat?” “it’s because of the spies in the sky." --BobHale 4. The folks who live up there in Rye? New York provides each daily high: The gents broker gold bars, Their wives shop at Zabar’s; They tuck their kids in with a sigh. -- beethree5 5. There is an old woman of Rye Who suddenly swallowed a fly She then ate a spider Then drank some hard cider Now all three are happy - guess why? --Geoff 6. Would you like to live up in Rye? You’ll need a bequest just to buy Then win a big bet, Or have lifelong debt— That’s how all the Jones’s get by. -- beethree5 7. On meeting two nudists in Rye The parson cried, “Well! My oh my. Do my eyes deceive? It is Adam and Eve… And wow, what a serpent I spy! --BobHale 8. I married a girl raised in Rye But then, uh-oh, I turned out bi: My MIL cursed >roar< But hippy wife’s thirst for The ménage à trois helped it fly. --beethree5 9. On the bust of hooker from Rye Were printed the things that she’d try And for all her positions The terms and conditions Were in the small print on her thigh. --BobHale 10. There was a young lady of Rye Who wanted to learn how to fly Went up to Hammondsport Asked Glenn Curtiss, "Hey, sport, How'd you like to get a girl high?" * *Glenn Curtiss, the Wright Brothers' arch rival, lived in Hammondsport. --Geoff 11. A persistent young fellow of Rye Said, “I try and I try and I try And I try and I try And I try and I try I expect I’ll succeed by and by." --BobHale ______________________ That's all she wrote, folks. You're right, Bob. Congratulations, Bob: you win by all possible criteria; I vote for #9 also, even though you don't need the extra vote. Which gives you the honor of choosing our next destination. Where to? | ||