I've received nine daffynitions so far (including Hab's). I'll post them tomorrow, so hurry up and send one in by PM if you haven't got around to it yet!
Build a man a fire and he's warm for a day. Set a man on fire and he's warm for the rest of his life.
Belief in the teachings of TV Raman, who developed AsTeR, a computing system for reproducing technical documents in audio. Followers, originally called Ramanists, believe that artificial intelligence will eventually become superior to human intelligence.
The obsessive pursuit of success against unconquerable obstacles.
A personality type that is subject to control through karma rather than shame, guilt or taboo.
Genteel irony, polite and ingenious mockery.
Frugality, making do with less, self-denial; admired as a virtue by the Spartans.
A psychological condition in which the sufferer is unable to communicate effectively, his words emerging in a scrambled or garbled stream.
A medical condition resulting from the over-imbibing of cheap carbonated Italian wine.
A star pattern that is not one of the officially recognized constellations.
The visual disturbance one experiences after receiving a blow to the head; seeing stars.
The state of nebulas when new stars are forming. This happens after cosmic chaos... and the new stars are bright blue.
The Greek term for Zoroastrianism.
Let the guessing commence!
Build a man a fire and he's warm for a day. Set a man on fire and he's warm for the rest of his life.
Belief in the teachings of TV Raman, who developed AsTeR, a computing system for reproducing technical documents in audio. Followers, originally called Ramanists, believe that artificial intelligence will eventually become superior to human intelligence. Supplied by: jo. Fooled: no-one
The obsessive pursuit of success against unconquerable obstacles. Supplied by:: jerry thomas. Fooled: Caterwaller, Kalleh
A personality type that is subject to control through karma rather than shame, guilt or taboo. Supplied by: Kalleh. Fooled: no-one
Genteel irony, polite and ingenious mockery. The correct meaning. See http://home.mn.rr.com/wwftd/abc.htm#A Correctly guessed by jerry, haberdasher, Asa
Frugality, making do with less, self-denial; admired as a virtue by the Spartans. Supplied by: haberdasher. Fooled: KHC, Cat
A psychological condition in which the sufferer is unable to communicate effectively, his words emerging in a scrambled or garbled stream. Supplied by: Bob Hale Fooled: no-one
A medical condition resulting from the over-imbibing of cheap carbonated Italian wine. Supplied by: Caterwauller. Fooled: no-one
A star pattern that is not one of the officially recognized constellations. Supplied by: Jesse Frankovich. Fooled no-one
The visual disturbance one experiences after receiving a blow to the head; seeing stars. Supplied by: Cat. Fooled: Bob Hale
The state of nebulas when new stars are forming. This happens after cosmic chaos... and the new stars are bright blue. Supplied by: KHC. Fooled: no-one
The Greek term for Zoroastrianism. Supplied by: Asa Lovejoy. Fooled: no-one
Well done Jerry and Hab, who both correctly guessed the meaning and fooled two others with their daffynitions!
Any volunteers for the next word?
Build a man a fire and he's warm for a day. Set a man on fire and he's warm for the rest of his life.
For some marvelous examples of asteism I would refer you, individually and collectively, to Ernest Bramah's books starting with The Wallet of Kai Lung. Insults are made with such grace and dexterity that the driver was awarded both ears and the tail. Oops, no, sorry, totally mixed metaphor...