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Oh, thanks so much for starting this game up again. I love it! ![]() CHEEKS Carniphobic, he eats eggs, ketchup, soup. IRDLTG | |||
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I really do like this game! WDCMAK | |||
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WDCMAK Women do care more about kissing. NMPABP | |||
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_NMPABP_ Now, most people accept "beer" posts. And just in a spirit of devilment. RERACJ Purgamentum init, exit purgamentum Read all about my travels around the world here. | |||
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RERACJ Richard English really amuses CJ SIALMJ | |||
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quote: Shows how different people's minds work. I'd got "antagonises" in mind for the A. ![]() Purgamentum init, exit purgamentum Read all about my travels around the world here. | |||
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Surely there must be some. Does the assemblage of letters not have to be an acronym (and thus a pronouncable word)? If not, then almost any phrase could be constructed. Richard English | |||
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quote: That's sort of the point. Isn't it ? The only rule is that there are no rules. Purgamentum init, exit purgamentum Read all about my travels around the world here. | |||
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Richard English | |||
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But Richard, you have to answer LadyBeth's post of: SIALMJ....then you post your letters, and they can be anything. Usually the person posting has something in mind, and it is fun to see if the responder gets it (as Morgan did with my letters), or if the message takes an entirely different tack (as I am sure my response did.) | |||
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Yes, but the previous poster said there were no rules! So I submitted ITCINP - which means, "In that case I'm not playing" - not because I'm a misery but because I believe that rules are important for for clarity. Or, as Solon of Athens put it, "Rules are for the obedience of fools and the guidance of wise men" Now you tell me that there are some rules - some maybe I'll reconsider my decison! Richard English | |||
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quote: Under the heading of "It's Odd How Different People's Minds Work," the solution I had in mind for NMPABP was No More Posts About Beer, Please! I had no intention of revealing this background but the more than a bit bizarre linking of the "B" as "beer" was too much to keep silent about! | |||
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SIALMJ Strolin is a lover most joyous! I assume it's not against "the rules" to do a commercial for yourself? I'm guessing that my answer is not precisely the one that prompted those six letters. My guess is that the "lmj" might stand for "le mott jeust" which is as close to the correct spelling as I can manage seeing as how I had just as much French in school as I did Latin. IFRRAO As a further guideline, might I suggest that after a six-letter group is "solved" that the originator come back to post what was actually on his or her mind? And maybe the poster might even be so generous as to give a clue to his or her offering beforehand? In this one, once again I am rattling R.E.'s cage. (I'm sorry, B.H. I can't help myself, it's like a disease!) | |||
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Oh, heck, you guys are messing up my favorite game! It does have rules, Richard, and we'd never think you a misery (can't say that I have heard the word used that way before!). It is simple: 1) The game started by Blues with six letters 2) Those six letters can be anything....but it is fun to have something in mind or use an acronym 3) The next person re-posts those letters with the his/her answer...and then supplies his/her six letters. 4) There usually isn't that much need for comments in between, though sometimes we can't resist! We have had fun, fun, fun with this game. See the other thread. We had 199 replies! Sometimes we got started on themes; other times we used posters' names for the letters; and other times we just used random letters. Join the fun...and thanks, Blues, for restarting this thread! ![]() [This message was edited by Kalleh on Thu Jan 16th, 2003 at 10:46.] | |||
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quote: I fear Richard's Real Ale obsession TLDSFA Purgamentum init, exit purgamentum Read all about my travels around the world here. | |||
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TLDSFA The logographer does sometimes fear apostrophes! NLGAFB | |||
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NLGAFB Nice legs. Great ass! Fabulous bust!! (Sorry, that's just what happened to come to mind.) My IFRRAO a while back stood for "I feel Rolls Royces are overrated" based on R.E.'s comment regarding his frequent repairs. HUBRIS | |||
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Hurry up babe, Richard is silent! SMABAH | |||
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SMABAH Silent movies attract boos and hisses. THIMFA | |||
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THIMFA The hermaphrodite is mostly female anyway! IJMASP | |||
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I just made a super pun! LBWYCS | |||
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LBWYCS Let's bounce with young cute singers Hi all, this game looks like fun ICBFIS Whitney | |||
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Welcome Whitney! How wonderful that we have our first Australian onboard! I hope you will continue with us....and, yes, this is a fun game! ICBFIS I can be first in salutations! LAWWTW | |||
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Let's all welcome Whitney to Wordcraft! (Kalleh, that was much too easy!) ![]() GTHAAA Welcome Whitney! | |||
<Asa Lovejoy> |
GTHAAA Gone To Hell, Arriving At Atlanta AMFZYL | ||
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Welcome, Whitney. If Asa hadn't beaten me to it, I'd have read Morgan's GTHAAA as Great to have an Aussie aboard!" (AMFZYL - Asa's mind flashes zip you'll love.) WTTMMD (Will edit, after response, to say what I had in mind. ![]() [Edit: I was about to say, "I now have no idea what I had in mind. But it came to me as I was clicking on: "Welcome to the madhouse, my dear."] [This message was edited by shufitz on Thu Jan 23rd, 2003 at 19:37.] | |||
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quote:And you would have been right! ![]() WTTMMD Welcome to the mixed metaphor delegation! PIFDED | |||
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PIFDED Petty infidelities frequently doom extra-marital dalliances. REIMSP | |||
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REIMSP Richard English is most surely pleasant! IDKMAB | |||
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quote: I don't know many Albanian belly-dancers IHTMTD Purgamentum init, exit purgamentum Read all about my travels around the world here. | |||
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IHTMTD = "I hate to make tough decisions." (Sounds like something you might want to work on, B.H.) (And Kalleh, REIMSP stood for, of course, "Richard English is my sock puppet" but your answer was good too. I accept the indirect compliment.) PPAWIT (Or, if it's not against the rules to try to steer y'all towards one particular historical/philosophical answer, this one could be posed as: ) PPA,"WIT?" | |||
<Asa Lovejoy> |
PPA,"WIT? Peter Pan Announced, "Wendy, I'm Tumescent!" Tinker Bell, who was secretly in love with Wendy, resented the stiff competition. ATWASIP | ||
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ATWASIP "At the west, aside Spain, is Portugal." I'm surprised our well-travelled B.H. didn't spot this one. Of course, "All the way... something, something" comes to mind and, at a tumescent SEVEN LETTERS (Whoop! Whoop! Whoop! Lookout, here comes the Rules Police!!) I assume you have something special in mind. In keeping with the topic of sock puppetry and all that jazz, I had "Pontius Pilate asked 'What is Truth?'" in mind for my PPAWIT. Yours, of course, was fine as well, particularly considering the fact that Tinkerbelle was probably the object of my very first pre-pubescent sexual fixation lo-o-o-ong before I understood why I felt such a strange atraction to her. Wendy, on the other hand, was such a priss! (But we'll save that for another thread...) | |||
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CJ? How about leaving us six letters so the game doesn't end????????? ![]() | |||
<Asa Lovejoy> |
"Pontius Pilate asked 'What is Truth?'" ******************************************* Ah, yes, existential angst before it had a name! BHDOTB | ||
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BHDOTB = "Bob Hale doesn't own this board!" I never said he did! Why is everyone always trying to goad me into fights with my fellow beloved Wordcrafters?? B.H. opines that my Hawkeye eclipses Asa's BJ Hunnicut, R.E. steadfastly implies that the OED is a more reliable source on the English language than I am, and Sarah gives me the silent treatment for no reason in particular! What have I done to deserve such grief?! In the words of a great American philosopher of the late 20th century (shortly after the cops beat him up): "CWAJGA?" R.K. This shouldn't put our non-US posters at a disadvantage since I'm sure the infamous R.K. videotape was shown even in the deepest Australian outback. Sorry for forgetting to add my 6 letters to the string last time. I'm hoping that adding 7 letters this time makes up for that lapse. And Asa, did you have something in particular in mind for your 7-letter entry? | |||
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Can't we all just get along? LAGUOR | |||
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LAGUOR -- That perhaps might have been Winston Churchill saying, "Lest any Germans underestimate our resolve..." IDUIVU | |||
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IDUIVU I don't use icing very usefully (but very creatively ![]() ICKUWY Whitney | |||
<Asa Lovejoy> |
ICKUWY I Constantly Kicked Unruly Wallabies Yesterday. ALWHNB | ||
<Asa Lovejoy> |
And Asa, did you have something in particular in mind for your 7-letter entry? ************************************* If I had a mind, I would have been able to count! "Quoth the raven: 'Never mind.'" ![]() | ||
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On the extremely remote chance that: 1.) New member Whitney is famous for more than being a language enthusiast who 2.) Has finally left her volitile husband and 3.) Taken up with one of our own beloved Worcrafters who 4.) Can't keep from bragging, even in this very subdued way, then ALWHNB = "Asa Lovejoy: Whitney Houston's New Beau!" Like I say, not very likely but, then again, one never knows... TBWBOT | |||
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quote: But then again, maybe she prefers: TBWBOT To be with both of them! TCWFWI | |||
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Since my TBWBOT stood for "Tampa bay will beat Oakland tomorrow," a prophecy which came true in Sunday's SuperBowl, it only follows that TCWFWI should stand for today's headline: "Tampa celebrates Wild First Win Immoderately!" For our across-the-pond bretheren, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers finished their first season 27 years ago with a record of ZERO wins and 13 losses and then compiled the very same record the next year as well. Long considered a joke in American football circles, this was their first SuperBowl victory and I say Good for them! A (thankfully) small number of fans of their SuperBowl opponents, the Oakland Raiders, commemorated their loss by rioting in the streets and torching a few cars which, judging from their well-earned reputation for "wilding," as it is called, probably left the more level-headed citizens of Oakland considering themselves lucky this morning. So, that's it for today's American sports news report. The next lucky six letters are: TNLSLA | |||
<Asa Lovejoy> |
ALWHNB = "Asa Lovejoy: Whitney Houston's New Beau!" *************************************** I think she smokes, and I'm an asthmatic, so NO WAY!!! | ||
<Asa Lovejoy> |
TNLSLA *********************** Those Norwegian Lutefisk Suppliers Left Already (Thank goodness!) COWBUL | ||
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COWBUL = "Could Oscar Wilde better use language?" (Some would say no but I suppose there's always room for improvement.) My last TNLSLA was prompted by "The next six lucky letters are:" Lutefisk note: For those wondering, Lutefisk (among other spellings) is a Scandanavian dish made from cod which has been marinated in (are you sitting down?) lye! No, really! That's exactly what it is. The lye turns the cod to a gelatinous consistancy and this dish is highly prized in some corners of the world though most notably, I believe, by older people. This comes under the heading of "Who was the first person to concoct this and actually put it into his/her mouth and whatever were they thinking!!!" How about: RECJBH Double credit it you don't use the name of any Wordcrafter regular! | |||
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RECJBH Regular eating comes just below happiness. IDKWTP | |||