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Picture of Kalleh
posted March 20, 2014 21:18
We had some really good ones this time - this won't be easy! Select your favorite.

Mae is a maid in Maylasia.
Her prowess in bed will amasia!
Her style is so good,
She'll give you hard wood,
Then treat it in ways that'll dazeia!

In a communications fantasia,
How'd a plane fly out of Malaysia,
In this modern era,
And just disappear? A
Complete electronic aphasia!

A crazy old man in Maylasia
Suffers a lot from aphasia.
Thinks his wife is a knife,
And to add to his strife,
Thinks his dog is Princess Anastasia.

There was a young man of Malaysia
Who suffered severe paraphasia
As he spoke letters changed
Or became rearranged
It's hard when your nalguage betrays ya

An ugly old gal from Maylasia
Gratefully says as she lays ya,
"With features like mine,
I feel and opine,
It only seems right if I pays ya!"

A nubile lass in Malaysia
Does sexual acts that amaze ya.
Yet it's well understood,
If your efforts are good,
And can make her come off, then she pays ya.

My teacher has asked me, "What says ya?"
Of the capitol town of Malaysia.
My brain is in pain
From wine and champagne
So I pleaded a case of aphasia.

A maidenish maid from Malaysia
Worked in Delhi with Mother Theresa.
A fakir, as a stunt,
Stuffed a snake up her ….. Front.
She ran off and nobody can trace 'a.

A bright whore doing biz in Malaysia
Serves her johns appetizers from a brazier
They find their culinary senses
Conjugate their hormone tenses--
Her satay sends them right to Fantasia.

A plane that took off from Malaysia
Got about halfway..


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Picture of Greg S
posted March 20, 2014 22:56Hide Post
Hopefully No. 10 wasn't that person's only entry. It's very clever of course but surely it can't win. I haven't voted yet, but I was so close to voting for number 8, but then I realised that Lines 2 & 5 whilst rhyming with each other, don't rhyme with Malaysia - what a pity because lines 3 and 4 were killers.

Regards Greg
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Picture of BobHale
posted March 21, 2014 00:52Hide Post
Lots of great minds thinking alike this time round.

"No man but a blockhead ever wrote except for money." Samuel Johnson.
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Picture of Kalleh
posted March 21, 2014 10:43Hide Post
If I were allowed to vote, definitely #10 would have been in contention for me...it is clever. I remember a similar sort of thing way back on OEDILF that CJ did (Bob, do you remember?). With all their workshopping it has probably been changed by now. But it seems like it was one word repeating itself throughout.

I am always amazed by the different tastes with these. I think it's what makes it so fun.
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Picture of Kalleh
posted March 21, 2014 10:47Hide Post
The 1 through 5 limericks are doing much better than the 6 through 10. I wonder, if we were to do a statistical analysis, if the higher up limericks do better because people get tired of reading the later ones or find one they like and that's it.

You see, these limericks also contribute to science. Wink
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posted March 21, 2014 13:07Hide Post
I agree about no. 10...it is incomplete. I would have added the word "to".

A plane that took off from Malaysia
Got about halfway to...

Much better....
Posts: 244 | Location: ColoradoReply With QuoteReport This Post
posted March 21, 2014 13:27Hide Post
1, 3, and 5 by the same person I bet...and I bet I know who. Wink
Posts: 244 | Location: ColoradoReply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Kalleh
posted March 21, 2014 21:54Hide Post
Wow - it is great to see you, Tom!

Right now #1 is ahead, but if there had still been a 5-way tie as there had been yesterday, I probably couldn't have broken it because I'd have voted for #10. Wink
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Picture of Kalleh
posted March 21, 2014 21:56Hide Post
Wow, you are good, Tom. You are right!
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posted March 22, 2014 15:23Hide Post
I thought #10 was the funniest too, but it wasn't a limerick, so an honorable mention but not a win, I think. Who wraught it?
Posts: 6187 | Location: Muncie, IndianaReply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Kalleh
posted March 22, 2014 21:26Hide Post
We'll see - and I see someone voted for it, too.

There are plenty of gimmicky limericks out there that all sorts of people love. If #10 were to get another vote, I'd select it (just to rile a few of you! Razz) - because, remember, I am the tie breaker. [Hey, z, since you never vote for these, give #10 a vote and create a little angst here.]

I'll post the winner and the limerick writers tomorrow. So if there are any last minute voters, get to it!
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Picture of BobHale
posted March 23, 2014 03:19Hide Post
If I'd voted differently you could be looking at a seven way tie now.

"No man but a blockhead ever wrote except for money." Samuel Johnson.
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posted March 23, 2014 06:10
To the flight that took off from Malaysia
Enroute to a country in Asia:
We would all like to know
Where the hell did you go?
Not one satellite photo displaysia.
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posted March 23, 2014 08:32Hide Post
I take back my vote and vote for that one. It belongs in the "dis-game" as well.
Posts: 244 | Location: ColoradoReply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Kalleh
posted March 23, 2014 21:08Hide Post
Here goes:

1 - The winner! And I bet most of us guessed it was Geoff's. Wink

2 - A nice one from Greg, and someone else liked it, too.

3 - Geoff's again, but no votes for this beauty.

4 - I loved Bob's "paraphasia" and he got a vote.

5 - Geoff's once again, and he captured another vote.

6 - Proof's off-color one and he got a vote with it.

7 - Mine, and while no one else liked it, I did!

8 - A nice one from Proof, but no votes.

9 - Bethree's, with no votes.

10 - Proof's - he got one vote and definitely got the most discussion.

Take it away, Geoffrey!
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posted March 24, 2014 16:46Hide Post
I loved Bob's too - and I voted for it.

As y'all know, I don't do polls, so I'll relinquish my turn to Tom, just because I want him to participate more. Smile
Posts: 6187 | Location: Muncie, IndianaReply With QuoteReport This Post
posted March 25, 2014 06:33Hide Post
Hey, I'll be glad to think of a place for the next limerick.

For the record, though, I have been watching and voting. I have had a real hard time coming up with any limericks. I don't thihnk I'm quite the poet you all are. But I'll try. I'll come up with a new topic today.
Posts: 244 | Location: ColoradoReply With QuoteReport This Post
posted March 25, 2014 06:50Hide Post
Thanks, Tom. Your own state has some funny place names, so I doubt you'll need to go far afield to find a good one, unless you just want to.
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Picture of Kalleh
posted March 25, 2014 09:54Hide Post
I love it that Tom is doing it this time, but, Geoff, don't beg off altogether. The next time you win (which will probably be soon!), you can come up with the name, and I'll collect the limericks and post the poll for you.

Tom, I checked OEDIlF for approved limericks on either Colorado or Denver. There weren't many (about 4 each), they weren't that great and none of them had the rhyme in lines 1, 2 or 5. I thought I'd post an example, but no dice.
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posted March 25, 2014 11:44Hide Post
Sounds good to me, Kalleh. Had Tom not been willing I would have picked the ghost town of Idiotville, Oregon. With a name like that I'd think it would be a booming metropolis. BTW, some sources say that Oregon has the most ghost towns of any state in the USA. Given that many towns dissappered when the Oregon Trail was replaced by the railroads, and the timber towns shut down with the collapse of the timber industry, it's quite likely true.
Posts: 6187 | Location: Muncie, IndianaReply With QuoteReport This Post
posted March 25, 2014 18:45Hide Post
Hey Geof, I came up with an idea for a town, but I don't know that I can ever top Idiotville. If you want to go with that, I can hold off. My lack of participation has been more due to my lack of skill than my interest. Let me know, or go ahead with your most excellent town.
Posts: 244 | Location: ColoradoReply With QuoteReport This Post
posted March 25, 2014 19:15Hide Post
We can do Idiotville later; pick away! Smile

BTW, here's a link to Idiotville: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Idiotville,_Oregon

And I've posted Wankers Corners before: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wankers_Corner,_Oregon

I just Googled funny names in Colorado, and you've got some great ones of your own, so pick one!
Posts: 6187 | Location: Muncie, IndianaReply With QuoteReport This Post
posted March 26, 2014 06:51Hide Post
Well everyone,
I wanted to do the current town I live in, being the or one of the first major legal marijuana Cities in the U.S., and having a fairly rich past. But, if I am going to participate, I'm afraid I can't rhyme it very well, so "Pueblo" is out. I have been to, worked in, or lived in a very large number of Cities in Colorado but have not been out of the State a great deal, so I still would like to bring a little flavor to the game.

I think I will go for another interesting town, being, until recently the most renown sex-change town in the world....Trinidad, (Colorado). I imagine you could also target the Island of "Trinidad" as well.

I'll start another thread. I would need some instructions on how to post the poll, or someone I send the final submittals to for posting.
Posts: 244 | Location: ColoradoReply With QuoteReport This Post
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