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Return of the double dactyls? Login/Join
I mentioned in the chat session that I'd seen a game on another forum which involved composing double dactyls one line at a time. I'm not necessarily proposing we do the same thing here, but just out of interest, and to get people thinking about the things again, here's the link. I'll leave it up to your good selves to judge the quality of the finished product!
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Picture of BobHale
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We...eee...llll. We could try it. Sounds damned difficult to me though.

Anyway, to keep you going, here are three I've just written.

Redqueeny Whitequeeny
Alice In Wonderland
Followed a rabbit down
Into the ground,
Met with a Duchess and
Sundry crowned heads who then
Showed her around

Higgledy Piggledy
Alice in Wonderland
Ate at the table of
Hatter and Hare.
"There is no room!" they cried
Alice thought that this was
Counted the chairs!

Tweedledum tweedledee
Alice from Wonderland
Went through the looking glass
Met two fat boys.
One said the other, with
Malice aforethought, had
Broken his toys

This message has been edited. Last edited by: BobHale,

"No man but a blockhead ever wrote except for money." Samuel Johnson.
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Good stuff, Bob! (But shouldn't the third line of the second one be "Ate at the table..."?) Maybe I'll try to come up with a few Carrollian ones. In the meantime, here's one I wrote to mark a particularly poignant death last year:

Squiddly diddly,
Paul the late Octopus
Knew all the winners in
Football's World Cup,

Proudly displaying a
Power of prediction you
Couldn't make up.
Posts: 292 | Location: Bath, EnglandReply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of BobHale
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That, and other, typos now fixed.

"No man but a blockhead ever wrote except for money." Samuel Johnson.
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Non-UK readers may be unaware of our forthcoming royal wedding, and to be honest it doesn't interest me greatly either... but this story was enough to inspire the following:

Higamus hogamus,
Catherine Middleton
Stands above William -
How can this be?

Just to avoid being
Known to the nation as
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Picture of Kalleh
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Higgledy Piggledy
Catherine Anderson
Daughter of mine who may
Change to that name.

Mother would like it if,
When getting married, she'd
Keep it the same.

Context: Our daughter, with a current 2 syllable last name, is getting married to a dactyl last name. Still, as her mom, I'd love to see her keep our name. Now...Shu has developed a MUCH better DD on this. I'll see if I can get him to post it.
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Oh, I thought you might relish having a double-dactyl daughter!
Posts: 292 | Location: Bath, EnglandReply With QuoteReport This Post
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The main challenge seems to be coming up with double-dactyl names that are familiar on both sides of the Atlantic - but I hope you all know this one:

Fiddly diddly,
Engelbert Humperdinck -
Born Arnold Dorsey, he
Borrowed his name

From the composer of
Hänsel und Gretel, who's
Not quite the same.

Incidentally, I thought his real name was "Gerry Dorsey" until I checked and found it was a stage name as well - apparently it was a nickname his friends gave him referring to his impression of Jerry Lewis. You live and learn.
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Picture of Kalleh
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Well, Guy, I would like a DD daughter, so it's a hard decision. I am going to urge Shu to post the DD he wrote about it...it's excellent!

As some of you know, my Chicago Bulls are in the playoffs this year, and their coach is Thomas A. Thibodeau (TIB-uh-doe). I made up the A. because I can't find what his real middle name is. Heck, that 6 syllable DD name is the hardest part of these!

Dribbely, Dribbely
Thomas A. Thibodeau,
Coach of the Bulls, he is
Clearly obsessed.

Studies the tapes and he
Tutors his players 'til,
Bulls will be best!
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