The actual quote from Ian Fleming is "Once is Happenstance. Twice is Coincidence.The third time it's Enemy action." according to this site. However, "Once is happenstance, twice is coincidence, three times is enemy action." is the quote given on another site. Both agree however that it comes from Goldfinger.
Your turn for the next word, KHC!
Build a man a fire and he's warm for a day. Set a man on fire and he's warm for the rest of his life.
See? I really am hopeless in this game. That's what I meant, of course! I'm so predictable! Carry on with your jumbling, and I'll get back to my customary mumbling.
******* "Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions. ~Dalai Lama
Not to worry, we've all done it. (Except maybe Arnie) Including yours truly. Maybe me-more-than-anybody-else. I reserve the right to be careless, but I'm quite willing to share it on occasion.
CW... We all make mistakes. Sometimes I misspell the hint, then forget days later what the word was. And it's true, Hab and Arnie are quite prone to goof-ups, too.
Oh sure, but what the hell . . um heck . . is an Atherotoxin, and who cares?
Mail-in-less is VERY FUNNY!!!!
I can see I need to check into this game thread more often, even if I'm hopeless at solving the puzzles. You guys have been having fun in here w/o me! I'm appalled!
******* "Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions. ~Dalai Lama
ATHERO- means "blood vessel," of which "arterio-" is one kind. Atherosclerosis is thus hardening (= sclerosis) of the blood vessels, often the arteries, i.e arteriosclerosis. An atheroma is a growth in a vessel.
I put together prefix and suffix to make the word "atherotoxin" without looking it up to see if anyone did before, but the meaning should be clear regardless. The most notorious atherotoxin is cigarette smoke. LDL cholesterol is a distant second.
quote:Originally posted by haberdasher: ATHERO- means "blood vessel," of which "arterio-" is one kind...
I see I'm wrong again. Sources with more authority than I carry indicate that "athero-" refers to the soft gushy consistency of the material that makes up those fatty plaques that ultimately break up and cause all the mischief.
Which means the prefix/suffix combination I put forward, no matter how plausible-sounding, makes absolutely no sense whatever
QUESTION AUTHORITY ! And check your answers. (And your premises, too, from time to time...)
Are we (the royal we) supposed to be working on my SLIM ALIENS, or trying to unscramble QUESTION AUTHORITY...? If so, I'm not doing a good job. I'm still remembering my answer to SLIM ALIENS, however, if anyone wants a hint.
I s'pose if you're an anarchist, unscrambling AUTHORITY is right up your alley; in this case it was meant only as a rueful acknowlegement of error.
As as for SILM ALIENS, I haven't gotten beyond MESALLINIS and MILLENIASS and SEMILLIANS and a variety of -LESS and -NESSes that didn't go anywhere. I suspect a good hint would be a weclome start to the New Year!
I agree with CW...they are having waaay too much fun here without me! I came here to see if I could figure out the most recent anagram, but I am totally lost as which is up at this point!
Okay, okay.... to hit everyone on the head with a brick, the word is a potent form of marijuana...I did go to college in the '70's.. but I'm not a pothead... or is that, "I'm not a crook."... to quote another president.
I'm afraid I'm out of my league here. Grass and hash and hemp and maryjane and tea and weed I know, but if you can make "tetrahydrocannabinol" out of "slimaliens" you're smoking too much
Kalleh - they're trying to unscramble SLIM ALIENS and apparently it's a variant of marijuana. I'm just checking back to see when they'll tell me the answer.
******* "Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions. ~Dalai Lama