Two good entries so far. If I get enough then I'll judge them on Saturday, which will finish this game and get another one started.
If I don't get enough and/or the consensus of the Board is that we use the poll system of judging, then the result won't be announced until 19 December at the earliest.
Richard English
Posts: 8038 | Location: Partridge Green, West Sussex, UK
Hi Greg Hit Go, Personal Zone, Private Messaging. New Private Message, Find New Buddies. Then look for Richard English, add his name and then put it in the right hand box by clinking "Add". Then send new private message. Put you limerick in and post it to RE. Little complicated the first time but gets faster with repitition.
If you need assistance, go to "Tools" and hit "Help" where you'll find instructions, too.
I didn't get to the board yesterday - work you know - but am today catching up. My PMs are the next job and I will reply to all who have submitted limericks.
(I have just realised that's a strange statement - how could I reply to anyone who hasn't submitted a limerick?)
Richard English
Posts: 8038 | Location: Partridge Green, West Sussex, UK
Well, now I've checked. Four limericks so far, some of them simply stunning.
Decision time as to how they are to be judged must be Saturday (UK time) at the latest. If I don't judge them then they will have to wait for two weeks. Of course, there's nothing to stop me posting a poll and, whilst that judging's going on, someone else could start another game with another town.
Thoughts, folks?
Richard English
Posts: 8038 | Location: Partridge Green, West Sussex, UK
Hand the game over to someone who has already sent you one to complete the collection and poll organisation. As they've already submitted they won't be influenced by the others. Problem solved. Piece of cake.
"No man but a blockhead ever wrote except for money." Samuel Johnson.
Sounds a good idea to me - how about it, those who've submitted - anyone up for a bit of judging? I'd better not say who's submitted already so as not to prejudice the outcome.
PM me if you're up for it.
Richard English
Posts: 8038 | Location: Partridge Green, West Sussex, UK
I don't mind either way. However, if it's to be the poll system then I won't be able to announce the results and writers until I get back from holiday on 19 December. If I were to judge the entries then I will be able to do that on Saturday 05 December.
I someone else wants to take on the administration of the judging then I will be happy to pass the entries and my initial comments on.
Decision really needed by 1200 GMT tomorrow, 05 December.
Richard English
Posts: 8038 | Location: Partridge Green, West Sussex, UK
As Bob suggested, why not pass the job to some mug kind person to post the poll? Thay can then either wait until you get back or post who won in due course.
I don't intend entering, so if you like I'm quite willing to take on the job.
Build a man a fire and he's warm for a day. Set a man on fire and he's warm for the rest of his life.
1200 GMT Saturday 05 December (although I could probably stretch it for a couple of hours). But by the end of today - 05 December - I will hand everything over the Arnie. He might decide to extend the deadline, of course.This message has been edited. Last edited by: Richard English,
Richard English
Posts: 8038 | Location: Partridge Green, West Sussex, UK
Richard has handed over to me the five limericks he's received.
We could do with a few more submissions, though! I see a couple of the regulars are still missing (you know who you are!). Please make sure you PM your entries to me and Richard.
I think Richard's deadline, enforced by his holiday, is a little too short, so I won't post the limericks as a poll until the middle of next week at the earliest.
Build a man a fire and he's warm for a day. Set a man on fire and he's warm for the rest of his life.
I just discovered the aforementioned OEDILF. That's one scary place that is. One could get lost in there for a lifetime. I think I'd better stay away from it. It's bad enough that you've got me hooked here.
To edit posts, on the bottom right (above the reply), you'll see 3 icons. Just click the pencil with the eraser, and it will take you to an edit screen. Make your edits and click post.
Originally posted by Greg S: I just discovered the aforementioned OEDILF. That's one scary place that is. One could get lost in there for a lifetime. I think I'd better stay away from it. It's bad enough that you've got me hooked here.
Wordcraft was the midwife of OEDILF and many of us (including me) post in both places.
Richard English
Posts: 8038 | Location: Partridge Green, West Sussex, UK
I was also one of the original oedilf members but I rarely post there now because I don't have the time to take part in the workshopping process that they use to polish the submissions before publication. There are a lot of my limericks there if you look for them.
"No man but a blockhead ever wrote except for money." Samuel Johnson.
Count me in there with Bob and Richard, and I, too, am not very active these days because of other commitments (work!).
I do remember that early on they had talked about grading limericks. Right now the workshop approves them, and when 4 people approve them, they are considered finalized. At the time, I had been enthusiastic about the grading of limericks, but now I can see where that could be a problem. This is just a game for us, but OEDILF is a project in itself. While some people are thick skinned about those sorts of things, everyone is not. It might have put a wrench in their system. That was a good decision of theirs.
At OEDILf, lims must have definition And most will fulfill that condition -- All the lims except mine Cause I have trouble trine To rhyme words. And then, too, composition.
Of course one limerick that most certainly should be in OEDILF is my all time favourite limerick, and I don't know where I first came across it, but when I did it was attributed to Anon., which perhaps may make it ineligible? It has however been indelibly imprinted in my mind ever since. It goes like this:
The limerick's a form anatomical And for space it is quite economical, But the good ones I've seen Are so seldom clean And the clean ones are so seldom comical
Perhaps my feeble attempt at a similar limerick with an imperfect rhyme on "rhyme" might also be worth submitting to OEDILF?
To write limericks is quite an art But by far the most difficult part Is to find a third rhyme To end the last line That isn't the same as the start.
What do you guys think? See I'm already getting addicted and I swore I'd stay away from there.
You'd get into a discussion about which word you are defining. And then you'd need to workshop it. Remember that the primary aim there is to produce a dictionary.
If you are serious about getting involved you need to look at the guides for newcomers and choose words that are in the currently defined spread to be worked on and preferably not already done, at least not with the meaning you want. You can have multiple limericks on one word if they have different senses. Check out my cycle of ten on the word "bob".
"No man but a blockhead ever wrote except for money." Samuel Johnson.
You ought to submit at least one just to see if you enjoy the site. My only complaint would be your inclusion would sink me one step closer to the bottom.
The OEDILF is working its way through the alphabet in order. At the moment they are only accepting submissions based on words beginning with the letters Aa- to Di- inclusive. You'll have to wait a few years before they start on words beginning with Li-!
Build a man a fire and he's warm for a day. Set a man on fire and he's warm for the rest of his life.
I haven't received any more submissions, and any laggards please hurry up! Time waits for no man (or woman for that matter)! I'll post the limericks received for voting tomorrow.
Build a man a fire and he's warm for a day. Set a man on fire and he's warm for the rest of his life.
There is really no cause to be surly Because Arnie is shutting down early. So you have time enough To get off of your duff And send him your limerick, Shirley.
Oh, excuse me, that was Stella. My error. But I don't feel like a rewrite.
If you are serious about getting involved you need to look at the guides for newcomers and choose words that are in the currently defined spread to be worked on and preferably not already done, at least not with the meaning you want.
I'd just get started and start submitting. Have some conversations with the workshoppers and then do a little reading on the site. But if you read all those directions/guidelines first, I think it's confusing and discouraging. The fun part is interacting in the workshops with the people, at least in my opinion.
True, but it's good to know some of the ground rules. For example many of the limericks we have in our little games here - including many of my own - would be shredded there for the metre, the rhymes etc. That's far more demoralising then reading the guidelines.
"No man but a blockhead ever wrote except for money." Samuel Johnson.
You did say the middle of next week at the earliest, arnie.
I suppose it depends on how we define "middle". I was thinking about Wednesday. Since I wrote that last week, it is now "next" week. Because you're half a day or more ahead of the rest of us (apart from Greg), Stella, you're further into the week.
I've received another couple of limericks, so I'll post them all in a few hours, when I get home.
Build a man a fire and he's warm for a day. Set a man on fire and he's warm for the rest of his life.
True, but it's good to know some of the ground rules. For example many of the limericks we have in our little games here - including many of my own - would be shredded there for the metre, the rhymes etc. That's far more demoralising then reading the guidelines.
Yes, it's a good thing to know the ground rules, but, no, I don't agree that "many of the limericks" in our little games would be shredded. Au contraire! I think there is more support there because here only one gets picked, and that can be demoralizing, unless yours is among the winners once in awhile. There, usually a nip here and a tuck there will get it approved within about a week's time; at least that has been my experience. Now...yes, there are those outliers on OEDILF that almost never get approved...or never for some. However, my experience with those is that the author is just a little too stubborn. Of course, in the last year or so I haven't been too active on OEDILF so perhaps things have changed. From recent looks at it, I don't think so. Indeed, I saw a couple that had some meter and other issues and for those reasons they didn't get my RFA. They had gotten their four, though, and were approved.