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Limerick Game: Kohler Login/Join
Picture of Kalleh
Shu's word for the next limerick game is Kohler, Wisconsin. We have spent many a weekend at the wonderful American Club in Kohler. Here is their story - 130 years ago they provided immigrants with a place to stay while they worked at the Kohler factory. Today, those rooms have become a fabulous hotel, and of course it has grown and grown. They now have a world class golf course and much more. When we first started going, the rooms were $99/night. It's much more than that now, to be sure.

So - Kohler it is!
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I've taken many a poop in Kohler toilets. They also build small engines which used to be excellent. Now they more resemble their crappers.
Posts: 6177 | Location: Muncie, IndianaReply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Kalleh
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So - you have plenty of ammunition for this limerick then. Wink Get to it!
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In Toto, I have no Kohlers: I have a potty for baby food; I have Gerbers! (Really!)
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Picture of Kalleh
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I have one measly limerick. How about a few others, folks (and thanks, Geoff!)?
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Measly??? My limerick is MEASLY!?!?!? It ain't got no stinkin' measles!
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Picture of Kalleh
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I meant "measly" by I only had one. Sorry, Geoffrey!

I now have three measly limericks. Come on, folks. The more the merrier! And, Greg, if you are tuning in, we'd like one from you. I know that Sattva has been under the weather, but how about Bethree? Bob? Proof? Who else?
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I'll try to write - or wrong - another one.
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I've not excreted a second one, but I did find this: https://nathanieltapley.com/20...-died-on-the-toilet/
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Picture of bethree5
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Wow what an amazing-looking spot!

Just emerging from a 2-wk virus, will give this a go tomorrow.
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What syllable is stressed in Kohler? Sometimes, I am not sure that I can tell.
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B35 and Sattva, glad to see you're both on the mend!!! I was ill for a month with a respiratory virus on top of my usual asthma. Such fun! I've found that breathing is not an option

KO-ler is how I've always heard it.
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Picture of Kalleh
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Yay, Sattva! Good to see you. I am hoping you'll be able to write one. Kohler rhymes with molar.

I've received some good ones, not a lot, but that's okay.

I'll wait a few more days. Got yours Bethree. Thanks!
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I scent another stinker, but it ended up in Sheboygan.
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(To pre-empt any thought of using Sheboygan as our next challenge, let me use up the available rhymes here and now)

A mathematician named Eugen
Is now rotting in jail in Sheboygan.
'Cause it didn't add up
When the arrogant pup
Tried to hold up a bar with a toygun.
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Picture of BobHale
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Is the r sounded? Because in my accent molar rhymes with cola but I'm guessing that's not true for you. Could you provide the IPA?

"No man but a blockhead ever wrote except for money." Samuel Johnson.
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Originally posted by BobHale:
Is the r sounded? Because in my accent molar rhymes with cola but I'm guessing that's not true for you. Could you provide the IPA?
Since I don't drink IPA, I'll only say that the "r" in Kohler is sounded as the "r" in "ready." But really, Bob, does it matter? Your accent may produce better rhymes!
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Originally posted by Geoff:
Originally posted by BobHale:
Is the r sounded? Because in my accent molar rhymes with cola but I'm guessing that's not true for you. Could you provide the IPA?
Since I don't drink IPA, I'll only say that the "r" in Kohler is sounded as the "r" in "ready." But really, Bob, does it matter? Your accent may produce better rhymes!

I agree. I saw a couple of videos where it was pronounced different from what Kalleh said, more like rhyming with sir at the end instead of molar. Should we just be more lenient? Btw, I don't know if I will finish any. I have spent every day this week either in dialysis or at a doctor's and I just haven't felt like doing much of anything but listening to books and talks.
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Sorry to hear you're still doing so poorly, but happy to see you here!

I hope you can come up with one!
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Picture of Kalleh
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Yes, Bob, we will be lenient.

I have 8 now. Sattva, I'll give it until tomorrow night, hoping you can come up with something. But if you can't, maybe next time? And you can vote anyway.
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Hi Kalleh,
Working on a couple of them. I will get them to you in a few hours.
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Picture of Kalleh
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Got them! Thanks so much.
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Your welcome so much!
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