I have to confess, not being from the West, I had always thought Asa's "Californicate" was a term that he invented. After all, he is quite clever! I read a funny article today about people in Las Vegas blaming the Californicators for smoking bans in bars. Apparently "Californicate" was coined 30 years ago in Oregon with a bumper sticker that said, "Don't Californicate Oregon." Is that the case? I tried to look it up, but it's in no dictionaries, except those unreliable slang ones.
You mean to say you've never heard of the Red Hot Chili Peppers' album named Californication? Eek
Although I have never actually listed to their music through choice, I did hear them rehearsing in Hyde Park. This was particularly unfortunate as I was trying to make myself heard at Speakers' Corner, where I was making a speech on beer.