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Discussion Topic  RE: Bluffing game: Wherry (in Word Games) by Geoff
Chopped liver you're not! Probably more like filet mignon. Per Bob's suggestion we self-published. ......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Bluffing game: Wherry (in Word Games) by bethree5
Hey! What am I, chopped liver? Sent these 8/16: 1. An early-20thC “land yacht,” or wheeled vehicle......
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Discussion Topic  Fragmentary sentence in the NYT (in Questions & Answers about Words) by Geoff
"Not only do candidates of both major parties in the United States have starkly different views on t......
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Discussion Topic  What is a “person” under the law? (in Potpourri) by shufitz
A tree? No. A driver crashed into a tree, and the tree’s owner sued seeking $15,000 for his pain an......
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Poll  RE: A lovely day in Wales (in Wordplay) by BobHale
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Poll  RE: A lovely day in Wales (in Wordplay) by haberdasher
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Poll  RE: A lovely day in Wales (in Wordplay) by haberdasher
Well, I don't really try to disguise their authorship...
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Discussion Topic  Sea change. (in Questions & Answers about Words) by BobHale
From an ad I keep seeing in my FB feed. "Nanoscience is driving a major sea change in electronics." ......
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Poll  RE: A lovely day in Wales (in Wordplay) by Geoff
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Poll  RE: A lovely day in Wales (in Wordplay) by haberdasher
Oh, and so far a grand total of five submissions....
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Poll  RE: A lovely day in Wales (in Wordplay) by haberdasher
To quote Katisha, "My idea exactly!" It's an affecting tale, and quite true....
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Discussion Topic  RE: Bluffing game: Wherry (in Word Games) by Geoff
Oh, sorry, Hab - I forgot those two....
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Discussion Topic  RE: Bluffing game: Wherry (in Word Games) by haberdasher
There's also 4. WHERRY - Onomatopoetic word for the sound made by a water wheel as the water pours ......
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Discussion Topic  Eras (in Questions & Answers about Words) by BobHale
An era ruled by Elizabeth is Elizabethan An era ruled by George is Georgian An era ruled by Edward i......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Bluffing game: Wherry (in Word Games) by Geoff
posted August 17, 2022 17:25 1. (archaic) A word like "whence" (from where) and whither (to where): ......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Bluffing game: Wherry (in Word Games) by BobHale
As I am 50% of the active participants may I request that you publish my suggestions as i was quite ......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Bluffing game: Wherry (in Word Games) by Geoff
Since nobody else wants to play, I'll declare this game deceased. A wherry is a boat....
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Discussion Topic  Beer, pubs and fuel prices. (in Potpourri) by BobHale
Assuming you haven't seen this on my FB. a sort of post about idioms. A few idioms come to mind .........
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Poll  RE: A lovely day in Wales (in Wordplay) by Geoff
That makes sense!...
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Discussion Topic  alilex (in Questions & Answers about Words) by Kalleh
I play Words with Friends with my sister. I often check to see if I got the best word. In a recent......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Language and social class (in Questions & Answers about Words) by Kalleh
Ah, yes, it was on WC by the memorable Richard English where I learned only the heathen keeps beer c......
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Poll  RE: A lovely day in Wales (in Wordplay) by BobHale
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Poll  RE: A lovely day in Wales (in Wordplay) by Geoff
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Poll  RE: A lovely day in Wales (in Wordplay) by bethree5
Why only 3 votes on this poll? I went back & tried to vote again - thinking I might have forgotten ......
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Poll  RE: A lovely day in Wales (in Wordplay) by bethree5
hab: my comment on limerick #8: this immediately brought to mind that great little miniseries, "Th......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Language and social class (in Questions & Answers about Words) by zmježd
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Poll  RE: A lovely day in Wales (in Wordplay) by Geoff
With Helen? But then we get into the issue of the aspirate "H."...
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Discussion Topic  Con (in Potpourri) by BobHale
Of course I love words, word puzzles, poetry, etymology and anything else connected with words. That......
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Poll  RE: A lovely day in Wales (in Wordplay) by BobHale
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Poll  RE: A lovely day in Wales (in Wordplay) by Geoff
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Poll  RE: A lovely day in Wales (in Wordplay) by haberdasher
Done. But I didn't mean to cut short any conversation on Wales - surely someone has a comment or two......
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Discussion Topic  next limerick target: PERTH (in Wordplay) by haberdasher
...as in Australia. PM me with your verses. (I'll be out of town much of next week so may not be ab......
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Poll  RE: A lovely day in Wales (in Wordplay) by haberdasher
Agreed. I’ll start the new thread tomorrow....
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Poll  RE: A lovely day in Wales (in Wordplay) by BobHale
For the record, it's probably worth When proposing the next place (it's Perth) A separate thread (If......
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Poll  RE: A lovely day in Wales (in Wordplay) by BobHale
For the record the limerickers were 1, 5, 6, 8 haberdasher 2, 3, 7, 10 Geoff 4, 11 Kalleh 9, 12 shu......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Language and social class (in Questions & Answers about Words) by BobHale
True, but going further down that road could you get more pompous than "He and I retrieved a bottle ......
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Poll  RE: A lovely day in Wales (in Wordplay) by haberdasher
Oh? Well, that remains to be seen. The Game is dead, Long live the Game. If we're going down, let'......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Language and social class (in Questions & Answers about Words) by zmježd
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Discussion Topic  RE: Language and social class (in Questions & Answers about Words) by BobHale
Well, yes and no. Take the example "Me and him got a six pack." The article says this is wrong and t......
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Discussion Topic  Language and social class (in Questions & Answers about Words) by Geoff
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Poll  RE: A lovely day in Wales (in Wordplay) by Geoff
To quote Bob Hale, "Sod all." It's no use; the game is dead....
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Poll  RE: A lovely day in Wales (in Wordplay) by BobHale
Can the author of 13 14 15 make him/her/them self known to me in a PM as I accidently lost some of t......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Bluffing game: Wherry (in Word Games) by BobHale
Do not despair too much. The Wales limericks may have numbered 15 but they all came from only five p......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Bluffing game: Wherry (in Word Games) by Geoff
I appear to be wrong about getting the game going again. Just two people have submitted daffynition......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Bluffing game: Wherry (in Word Games) by BobHale
A wherry good word to choose. ......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Bluffing game: Wherry (in Word Games) by haberdasher
Oh, my. I haven't thought of that word for sixty years! Thanks for bringing it back to mind, Geoff......
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Discussion Topic  Bluffing game: Wherry (in Word Games) by Geoff
Who or what is a wherry? PM your daffynitions - or the right one if you know it. Bob and Haberdash......
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Discussion Topic  Well, duhhhhh... (in The Written Word) by Geoff
From the local rag: Man charged in triple killing now accused of making death threats...
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Discussion Topic  Feisty (in Questions & Answers about Words) by BobHale
Here's a language question that came up because of the current Tory leadership contest. Ben Wallace,......
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Poll  RE: A lovely day in Wales (in Wordplay) by bethree5
Sheesh!! 15 official plus one unofficial entry... a veritable rash of prolificity!...
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