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Discussion Topic  RE: Next destination: KENT (in Word Games) by Geoff
Ol' Aggie will be delighted to discover that there are now three. (Bloody awful scream heard offsta......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Next destination: KENT (in Word Games) by haberdasher
...and now there are two. Agatha Christie is waiting ......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Next destination: KENT (in Word Games) by Geoff
If the one entry was mine it was more of an intrusion than an entry....
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Discussion Topic  RE: Limerick game: MAINE (in Wordplay) by Geoff
I've submitted one piece of smut, filth, and banned in Boston tripe...
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Discussion Topic  RE: Next destination: KENT (in Word Games) by haberdasher
Whatever floats your boat, ......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Next destination: KENT (in Word Games) by Geoff
Which one, the English one or the various 'mericun upstarts? I'm-a workin' on wun....
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Discussion Topic  RE: Next destination: KENT (in Word Games) by haberdasher
I ken, but Immenuel Kent....
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Discussion Topic  RE: Next destination: KENT (in Word Games) by Geoff
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Discussion Topic  RE: Limerick game: MAINE (in Wordplay) by haberdasher
OK. Next destination is ......
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Discussion Topic  Next destination: KENT (in Word Games) by haberdasher
That's KENT as in Clark, or in low-tar, low-taste cigarettes, or it's impossible to get here from Br......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Limerick game: MAINE (in Wordplay) by Geoff
Long Pig? Viet Namese fella. Went to school with him. As for broken taboos, here's the book: ......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Limerick game: MAINE (in Wordplay) by haberdasher
Speaking of Soylent Green - Robert Heinlein had a couple of stories briefly alluding to having Long ......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Limerick game: MAINE (in Wordplay) by Geoff
Looks as if too many people took Jules Verne, Ursala Le Guin,Ray Bradbury, et al seriously. (***^%$......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Limerick game: MAINE (in Wordplay) by bethree5
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Discussion Topic  RE: Limerick game: MAINE (in Wordplay) by bethree5
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Discussion Topic  RE: Limerick game: MAINE (in Wordplay) by Geoff
I really missed reading one from you! Yours are always very good! How about going ahead and writin......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Limerick game: MAINE (in Wordplay) by bethree5
Well this was a funny bunch! My "Main" vote goes to the one that made me guffaw-- #2! Can we do s......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Limerick game: MAINE (in Wordplay) by bethree5
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Discussion Topic  RE: Limerick game: MAINE (in Wordplay) by haberdasher
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Discussion Topic  RE: Limerick game: MAINE (in Wordplay) by Geoff
Wasn't he also a now-defunct car dealership in Utah?...
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Discussion Topic  RE: Limerick game: MAINE (in Wordplay) by haberdasher
Bovine ilk, you say? Ogden Nash was a goodness!...
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Discussion Topic  RE: Limerick game: MAINE (in Wordplay) by Geoff
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Discussion Topic  RE: Limerick game: MAINE (in Wordplay) by Geoff
That reminds me of the "one end moo, the other end milk" limerick....
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Discussion Topic  RE: Limerick game: MAINE (in Wordplay) by haberdasher
MAKING BOTH ENDS MEAT - a scam for cheating on sausage quality...
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Discussion Topic  RE: Limerick game: MAINE (in Wordplay) by Geoff
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Discussion Topic  RE: Limerick game: MAINE (in Wordplay) by haberdasher
(Even if I can't count to ten)...
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Discussion Topic  RE: Limerick game: MAINE (in Wordplay) by Geoff
"That's a good idea, Ollie." Stanley Laurel. BTW, I really liked the embedded pun in yours, Hab!...
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Discussion Topic  RE: Limerick game: MAINE (in Wordplay) by haberdasher
I see one vote for Kalleh, and one for me, and Shu and Kalleh haven't voted yet, and my vote as tieb......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Limerick game: MAINE (in Wordplay) by haberdasher
Maybe a faster turnaround will be useful. Here's the attributed list: ......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Limerick game: MAINE (in Wordplay) by Geoff
A parallel? Somebody's using my gmail address. ......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Limerick game: MAINE (in Wordplay) by haberdasher
Well, I'm not ready to throw in the towel, as long as the site's up. I'll post the contributors' na......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Limerick game: MAINE (in Wordplay) by Geoff
I contacted someone with B35's name, but she was not OUR Leigh Bucci. Rats. I'm ready to give up. ......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Limerick game: MAINE (in Wordplay) by haberdasher
So far, only silence from the hinterlands. B35? Shu? Kalleh? anything to add?...
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Discussion Topic  RE: Limerick game: MAINE (in Wordplay) by Geoff
Per the contact in the other thread, I hope she can send some limericks. I'm not ashamed of changin......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Limerick game: MAINE (in Wordplay) by haberdasher
Apropos of late submissions -- does anyone know a separate e-address for B35 for purposes of remindi......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Limerick game: MAINE (in Wordplay) by Geoff
Whimsy, humour and downright hilarity with this lot! I flipped a coin thrice in selecting one, and ......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Limerick game: MAINE (in Wordplay) by haberdasher
Sounds like a good plan. Adheres to the KISS Principle....
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Discussion Topic  RE: Limerick game: MAINE (in Wordplay) by BobHale
So my suggestion is to vote for the number as shown and then we can just add 3 and 5's votes togethe......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Limerick game: MAINE (in Wordplay) by haberdasher
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Discussion Topic  RE: Limerick game: MAINE (in Wordplay) by BobHale
I'll take 10 as they are currently numbered...
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Discussion Topic  RE: Limerick game: MAINE (in Wordplay) by BobHale
3 and 5 are the same limerick...
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Discussion Topic  RE: Limerick game: MAINE (in Wordplay) by Geoff
Whoever wrote #9 must have had Ogden Nash's Belle of Natchez on his/her/their/ mind! I'll wait to s......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Limerick game: MAINE (in Wordplay) by haberdasher
Here they be, Folks. Better than Never. An interesting crop, I must say. Make your preferences kn......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Limerick game: MAINE (in Wordplay) by Geoff
Is it Sunday yet? Or sundae? Or some day?...
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Discussion Topic  RE: Limerick game: MAINE (in Wordplay) by haberdasher
FWIW department: there are eight limericks presently in the line, and I haven't written mine yet... ......
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Discussion Topic  Time to admit the facts? (in Word Games) by BobHale
I have been off line for two weeks and in that time there have been no new posts here at all. Isn't ......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Limerick game: MAINE (in Wordplay) by Geoff
Bumping it back to the top....
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Discussion Topic  RE: Amboise limericks (in Wordplay) by Geoff
IMO it was a toss up whether you won or not. Great stuff from you, as usual!...
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Discussion Topic  RE: Amboise limericks (in Wordplay) by bethree5
Whooaa, youse guys are moving along at a fast clip these days! Thanks for kudos. My fave was obvio......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Limerick game: MAINE (in Wordplay) by Geoff
I've scent my stinkers to you, Haberdashererererer...
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