Member Orange-red apples never glide sweetly.SPIDER
Member Some popular ideas deserve everlasting ridicule.POPLAR
<Asa Lovejoy> posted July 04, 2003 15:03
Probing Ophelia's pudendum lets Arnie relax.
Member North Ayrshire ungulates get high tribute CATTLE
Member CATTLE Can a tachyphrasiac talk less energetically?HORSES
Member Helpful otorhinolaryngologists recommend some exploratory surgery. REMUDA
Member Really eager men undo Debby's attire!
Member Anyone think "terrorism" is really errorism? MISTAK
Member MISTAK My, izles scare that awful kiyoodle!ERRORS
<Asa Lovejoy> posted July 06, 2003 09:26
ERRORS Eros rapidly repudiates ornery, recalcitrant sirens.SIRENS
Member Scientific investigators research endless non sequiturs.MRMAID
Member Would you agree that given the typical male's cleaning skills, "Mr. Maid" is an oxymoron? That is to say: Men rarely make any impression dusting.SLOPPY
Member Shorty Longfellow ordered pepperoni pizzas, YolandaNEATER
Member Never eat a taco, EVER, Richard!CLENUP
Member Cambodian longshoremen elect new union presidentWASHED
Member WASHED Well, Asa sure has eaten delicately!SWEEPR
Member Sir Winston's English elicited people's respect. RAGMOP
Member Rapidly, Amanda gives mom ongoing gifts.MUFFIN
Member Morgan's unicycle's front fender is new. BISKIT
Member Bob is seeking kindness in travels. Because it's seven, Ken is tired.BTRMLK
Member Before the Renaissance, men lacked knowledge WHPCRM [[When Hillary pouts, Clinton remembers Monica]]?? [This message was edited by jerry thomas on Tue Jul 8th, 2003 at 15:24.]
Member WHPCRM I like your answer, Jerry!
Well! How presidency collapsed Richard Milhous!
Member reigning arrogantly is now "no go"!BUSHES
Member BUSHES Blues Understands shufits'es happy energetic selections
Member Is anybody serious? Can anybody tell? AHAGPL
<Asa Lovejoy> posted July 10, 2003 06:31
Morgan's unicycle's front fender is new. ______________________________________________ How can a unicycle have anything BUT a front one? ================================================= AHAGPL Arnie has a global positioning lodestone.PUTRID
Member Penelope's unicorn takes rides in Disneyland [[AHAGPL = Anyone had a good paroxysm lately?]]AWCMON
Member AWCMON [Asa, I can't believe you posted about unicycle; Shufitz just got one!] Asa will certainly marry, or not!GMABRK
<Asa Lovejoy> posted July 10, 2003 21:04
AWCMON A wiccan canticle makes October numinous.WICCAN
<Asa Lovejoy> posted July 10, 2003 21:09
Darn, Kalleh, you posted as I was writing mine!
Shufitz with one wheel stuck between his buns - this I gotta see!
Great minds aren't bred routinely, Kalleh!
Member Will investigators climb Cancun's anemometer now?LOVJOY Let other voices join our yodeling LETSDO
<Asa Lovejoy> posted July 10, 2003 23:36
LETSDO Lesotho's English teachers donate onions. Speaking of Lesotho, one of her residents, the man who played Xi, the bushman in The Gods Must Be Crazy died two days ago. Thus passed the star of my all-time favourite movie!BUSHMN
Member Asa, thinking of unicycles, says, "Shufitz with one wheel stuck between his buns - this I gotta see!"
I have confidence:
Buns unicycling shouldn't have me neutered.
As long as we're on an African slant, lets try Liberia's president in the news, Charles Taylor.
Member Tanzania and Yemen look ominously rugged. SOWETO [This message was edited by jerry thomas on Fri Jul 11th, 2003 at 19:57.]
<Asa Lovejoy> posted July 12, 2003 07:32
Yemen look ominously rugged. ________________________________________ Is Yemen a mixture of yogurt and semen? SOWETO Some old women eschew topless orgies.ORGIES
Member One really gorgeous Iraqui empress survived [[Asa, Come again?]] PARTYS
Member Please ask Roberto to yell softer!OXYMRN
<Asa Lovejoy> posted July 12, 2003 17:10
OXYMRN Oregon's xenophobic young men rant noisilyJERRYT
Member Junior executives' responses reveal youthful transgressions.
Member INHALE Indiana now hails athletic Larry's educationEXHALE For those of you who are not basketball fans, Larry Bird is back in Indiana basketball. Yes!
Member Existential xenophobic axmen's hexed lexicon's extinct. COKAIN
Member Jerry, how about "Existential xenophobic hexed axmen's lexicon's extinct." Does that still work?
COKAIN Cool! Old Kalleh acts interestingly naughty!
[Since it was my birthday and all.....
Member Yes, Kalleh, I like your x-rated version even better than my own. Thanks! MRJANA Mrs. Reagan just advises "no" answer. SNSMLA
<Asa Lovejoy> posted July 15, 2003 07:10
SNSMLA Sensuous, nubile Somali maidens love aphrodisiacs.NUBILE
Member Note unwashed bum in legal extremis WASHED
Member What a show! He evolved dinosaurs!JRASIC
Member Jury rejects Asa's story in court GUILTY
Member Now, Jerry, that was good!
guilty Guilt usually is likely to yak.
Member I noticed old clients now tanner.CLIENT
<Asa Lovejoy> posted July 16, 2003 06:36
CLIENT Considering lagniappe, I enlarged Nancy's totalNANCYS