
Here's the place for threads of wit, puns, and light ramblings.
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No New ContentHot TopicDiscussion TopicWhile looking up the spelling of something else...BobHale66311 
by Morgan
No New ContentHot TopicDiscussion TopicNow, aren't you all glad we don't have one?Morgan31489 
by museamuse
No New ContentHot TopicDiscussion TopicTwo meaningsMorgan245110 
by Hic et ubique
No New ContentHot TopicDiscussion TopicAutomotive anagramsms<Asa Lovejoy>214652 
by museamuse
No New ContentHot TopicDiscussion TopicWord gameMorgan102023 
by tinman
No New ContentHot TopicDiscussion TopicA new challenge from AngelC J Strolin82089 
by shufitz
No New ContentHot TopicDiscussion TopicFunniest holiday presentKalleh153139 
by <Asa Lovejoy>
No New ContentHot TopicDiscussion TopicHow many foreign languages can you speak in English?museamuse184017 
by shufitz
No New ContentHot TopicDiscussion Topicanagramsmuseamuse3511509 
by Morgan
No New ContentHot TopicDiscussion TopicThe 3 words a woman longs to hear   Page 1 2 Hic et ubique6012013 
by <Asa Lovejoy>
No New ContentHot TopicDiscussion TopicTom LehrerHic et ubique194426 
by shufitz
No New ContentHot TopicDiscussion TopicESOL malapropismBobHale45595 
by Kalleh
No New ContentHot TopicDiscussion TopicHave a nice voyage, Cheese!C J Strolin102724 
by tinman
No New ContentHot TopicDiscussion TopicCome on, get happy!Morgan71988 
by C J Strolin
No New ContentHot TopicDiscussion Topic6 Letters to fun!   Page 1 2 3 4 Morgan199420365-star Rating (1 Vote)
by Kalleh
No New ContentHot TopicDiscussion TopicBy the numbersMorgan112775 
by arnie
No New ContentHot TopicDiscussion TopicWhatchamacallits<Asa Lovejoy>123899 
by Kalleh
No New ContentHot TopicDiscussion TopicPleonasmsshufitz31579 
by Morgan
No New ContentHot TopicDiscussion TopicTall tales with grotesque punsshufitz217797 
by Hic et ubique
No New ContentHot TopicDiscussion TopicBooks for the computer agearnie21347 
by C J Strolin
No New ContentHot TopicDiscussion TopicCurmudgeons<Asa Lovejoy>31875 
by Hic et ubique
No New ContentHot TopicDiscussion TopicCan I ask a question?   Page 1 2 shufitz72177145-star Rating (1 Vote)
by shufitz
No New ContentHot TopicDiscussion TopicI am pleasingly plump. You could lose a few pounds.Embellishment144999 
by wordnerd
No New ContentHot TopicDiscussion TopicNothingnessKalleh103175 
by <Asa Lovejoy>
No New ContentHot TopicDiscussion Topicbartleby's word of the day ...shufitz21554 
by arnie
No New ContentHot TopicDiscussion Topicnadir wordsshufitz41743 
by Kalleh
No New ContentHot TopicDiscussion TopicNew words for 2002Morgan11369 
by Angel
No New ContentHot TopicDiscussion TopicThe Dictionary Game<Asa Lovejoy>31707 
by Morgan
No New ContentHot TopicDiscussion Topicsongs to option for commercialswildflowerchild103393 
by Morgan
No New ContentHot TopicDiscussion TopicSlightly modified<Asa Lovejoy>21631 
by <Asa Lovejoy>
No New ContentHot TopicDiscussion Topicnumber-phrasesshufitz32713 
by shufitz
No New ContentHot TopicDiscussion Topicteenage kids say the darnedest thingsHic et ubique21739 
by Morgan
No New ContentHot TopicDiscussion TopicPuns from the papersshufitz11577 
by <Asa Lovejoy>
No New ContentHot TopicDiscussion TopicHow come....?Morgan51793 
by Amanda
No New ContentHot TopicDiscussion Topicthis really "bugs" meastral52254 
by arnie
No New ContentHot TopicDiscussion TopicStrange pronunciationsghoti bowl32221 
by <Asa Lovejoy>
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