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Discussion Topic  RE: Who was chicken and who wasn't about Chicken (in Wordplay) by Geoff
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Discussion Topic  RE: Who was chicken and who wasn't about Chicken (in Wordplay) by haberdasher
When I read No. 9, I thought it might have come from Shufitz. (I think that's a compliment!)...
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Discussion Topic  RE: Who was chicken and who wasn't about Chicken (in Wordplay) by Geoff
Haberdasher whote 1,2, and three IMHO his were all very clever. Bob wrote #4, which I consider the......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Who was chicken and who wasn't about Chicken (in Wordplay) by BobHale
Just for variety I'll go for 3...
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Discussion Topic  RE: Who was chicken and who wasn't about Chicken (in Wordplay) by haberdasher
Yes. 9 for me, too....
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Discussion Topic  RE: Who was chicken and who wasn't about Chicken (in Wordplay) by tinman
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Discussion Topic  Who was chicken and who wasn't about Chicken (in Wordplay) by Geoff
Not everybody checkened out and submitted limericks Here they are: 1: I was writing a novel ‘b......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Limerick destination: Chicken (in Wordplay) by Geoff
I'll post what few we have on Saturday. Oops, missed Saturday. Well, next one....
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Discussion Topic  Kamala (in Potpourri) by Geoff
I sure hope none of the MAGOT types have read Siddhartha. Tampon Tim is OK; he rendered a needed se......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Limerick destination: Chicken (in Wordplay) by Geoff
You've hit the Bulls eye on that one. BTW, no luck contacting B35 or Tinman. Annnnnd, going furthe......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Limerick destination: Chicken (in Wordplay) by haberdasher
Wasn't Oliver Twist was a Tale of One Sikes, not two? At least, that's how it was Billed......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Limerick destination: Chicken (in Wordplay) by Geoff
That comment is a bust. BTW, Dickens was a gymnast. You've heard of the Oliver Twist, haven't you?...
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Discussion Topic  RE: Limerick destination: Chicken (in Wordplay) by haberdasher
If a woman needs a bilateral mastectomy and sells the specimens afterward, would that be......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Limerick destination: Chicken (in Wordplay) by Geoff
If Dickens had written an obituary for a bipolar person would it have been titled, "A Tale of Two Ps......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Limerick destination: Chicken (in Wordplay) by Geoff
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Discussion Topic  RE: Limerick destination: Chicken (in Wordplay) by Geoff
None. I can't find her email or Facebook account....
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Discussion Topic  RE: Limerick destination: Chicken (in Wordplay) by haberdasher
Any contact with Bthree5 ?...
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Discussion Topic  RE: Limerick destination: Chicken (in Wordplay) by Geoff
I have a promise from Kalleh that she'll submit one and will goad Shufitz into writing one too....
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Discussion Topic  RE: Limerick destination: Chicken (in Wordplay) by haberdasher
If the only work of his on my shelf is ......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Limerick destination: Chicken (in Wordplay) by haberdasher
I have one on the way... Addendum: The deed is done. It's more a meta-limerick, actually. I think......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Limerick destination: Chicken (in Wordplay) by Geoff
You are probably correct, but I'll give it one last chance. I am a masochist, it seems....
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Discussion Topic  RE: Limerick destination: Chicken (in Wordplay) by BobHale
Well, I'll write one and send it but I think we need to just accept that Wordcraft is gone now. I'd ......
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Discussion Topic  Limerick destination: Chicken (in Wordplay) by Geoff
Chicken is a little town in Alaska. You get to be a cacciatore* and hunt for a limerick * Hunter ......
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Discussion Topic  Limerick game: BURTON (in Wordplay) by haberdasher
I offer you the town of BURTON. There's one in Texas, and I'm sure there are others floating arou......
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Discussion Topic  “I am the very model of….l (in Wordplay) by shufitz
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Discussion Topic  Community Post (in Potpourri) by Kalleh
Since we no longer have a Community section like we used to have, I'll put this here. I miss that s......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Limerick game: MAINE (in Wordplay) by Kalleh
Sorry I missed this one, too....
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Discussion Topic  Andragogy (in Questions & Answers about Words) by Kalleh
I am working on a national group where we are trying to come up with standards for nursing graduates......
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Discussion Topic  KENNT - the limericks (I know, I know) (in Wordplay) by haberdasher
I think that's about all we're going to collect from KENT, so here they are: A. I once saw the Dutc......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Fear of palindromes (in Wordplay) by Geoff
I just emailed B35. I hope she'll send a lime rickey....
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Discussion Topic  And what exactly, is that? (in Potpourri) by BobHale
Here's a vocabulary question. A menu from a local restaurant was recently put through my letter box......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Fear of palindromes (in Wordplay) by haberdasher
I like it !...
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Discussion Topic  Fear of palindromes (in Wordplay) by Geoff
aibohphobia It's for real! Coined in 1977....
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Discussion Topic  Is he really typical? (in Wordplay) by BobHale
Question for whichever American friends are still around. I have watched a number of videos reactin......
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Discussion Topic  Favourite fact from "No Such Thing As A Fish" (in Potpourri) by BobHale
Heard today on the final episode of the year of the No Such Thing As A Fish podcast. The word "loan......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Limerick game: MAINE (in Wordplay) by Geoff
You should have three pieces of Kentish offal from me in limerick form...
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Discussion Topic  RE: Limerick game: MAINE (in Wordplay) by haberdasher
Just a reminder- that's a Kentish limerick, not Maine. Been there, done that, as they say....
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Discussion Topic  For Those Still Here (in Potpourri) by BobHale
Season's Greetings For those few still around to see it, here is my most recent Christmas poem whic......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Limerick game: MAINE (in Wordplay) by Geoff
I've submitted one piece of smut, filth, and banned in Boston tripe...
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Discussion Topic  RE: Limerick game: MAINE (in Wordplay) by haberdasher
OK. Next destination is ......
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Discussion Topic  Next destination: KENT (in Word Games) by haberdasher
That's KENT as in Clark, or in low-tar, low-taste cigarettes, or it's impossible to get here from Br......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Limerick game: MAINE (in Wordplay) by Geoff
Long Pig? Viet Namese fella. Went to school with him. As for broken taboos, here's the book: ......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Limerick game: MAINE (in Wordplay) by haberdasher
Speaking of Soylent Green - Robert Heinlein had a couple of stories briefly alluding to having Long ......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Limerick game: MAINE (in Wordplay) by Geoff
Looks as if too many people took Jules Verne, Ursala Le Guin,Ray Bradbury, et al seriously. (***^%$......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Limerick game: MAINE (in Wordplay) by bethree5
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Discussion Topic  RE: Limerick game: MAINE (in Wordplay) by bethree5
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Discussion Topic  RE: Limerick game: MAINE (in Wordplay) by Geoff
I really missed reading one from you! Yours are always very good! How about going ahead and writin......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Limerick game: MAINE (in Wordplay) by bethree5
Well this was a funny bunch! My "Main" vote goes to the one that made me guffaw-- #2! Can we do s......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Limerick game: MAINE (in Wordplay) by bethree5
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Discussion Topic  RE: Limerick game: MAINE (in Wordplay) by haberdasher
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