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Double Dactyls again Login/Join
Picture of Kalleh
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Higgledy Piggledy
Thomas C. Jefferson,
Benjamin Franklin were
Wonderful men!
Brits prefer Homer and
Star of the A-Team! I'm,
Mad as a hen! (wet, that is! Wink)

I read a lot of online biographies of Thomas Jefferson, but I couldn't find a middle initial. The "C." is made up.
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Picture of Kalleh
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Honesty, Schmonesty
Worldcom Settlement
Millions of dollars for
Corporate lies.
AT&T and Ver-
Izon decry, though they're
Crooks in disguise!

[I know it's not perfect; it all depends on how you say AT&T. However, I am ecstatic because, finally, after years of letters of complaints for bogus bills, I have gotten back at AT&T and Verizon for their incompetent, and sometimes even amusing, service! Big Grin Razz Wink I say the latter because in one of my complaints I asked for an itemized account of their alleged charges. In return I received the original complaints from four customers, including their addresses, phone numbers and social security numbers. One of the letters was from a complainant's attorney, asking Verizon to "cease and desist" in harrassing their client! So, you see, I had a lot of fun with this double dactyl. Razz]

[This message was edited by Kalleh on Tue Jul 8th, 2003 at 9:31.]
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Picture of Kalleh
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Higgledy Piggledy
Theodore Roosevelt,
Twenty-sixth president,
United States,
Led in the Spanish-A-
Merican War, and he
Carried a stick!
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Picture of jerry thomas
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.... another ==>

Roaming Wyoming
Theodore Roosevelt
Soft-spoken President
Carried a big stick and
Seldom did bark
Founded for future use
Beautiful Yellowstone
National Park
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Picture of Kalleh
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Ever since Shufitz's post, I have been dying to use anythingarian!

Higgledy Piggledy
Jonathan Appleseed
Relishes apples, but
Spits out the seeds.
Eating all types, he's an
Sweet, soft, or tart, they are
All that he needs.
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Picture of Kalleh
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Higgledy, Piggledy
Thomas A. Edison
Founded the lightbulb, and
Never despaired.
Genius inventor, he's
Oft called a "Wizard", and
Hearing impaired.

[This message was edited by Kalleh on Mon Aug 25th, 2003 at 12:07.]
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Rudeness and Kindness were Justly Rewarded by
Guy Wetmore Carryl
Died 1904

Kalleh brought back our thread
"Humorous Poetry"?
Let's do some more!
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Picture of jerry thomas
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Higgledy, Piggledy
T. Alva Edison
Brought forth the lightbulb, and
Lit up the earth.
Genius inventor, he's
Oft called a "Wizard", and
Helped with the birth.
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Picture of Kalleh
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Well, it is good to be among the great. Big Grin Those are wonderful, guys. Yes, Jerry, it wasn't one of my best.
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Picture of Kalleh
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I know we've had a dd on G&S, but there's always room for one more, right? Wink

Talented, Talented!
Gilbert and Sullivan
Wrote the Mikado and
Pinafore, too;
Trial by Jury and
Ruddigore, Sorcerer,
Entertain you!
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Picture of Hic et ubique
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In honour of Ros:

Ros (call her Switzerland)
Never impolitic,
Tactless or mad;

So diplomatic, so
What is your favourite
Color, dear? Plaid? Wink
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Picture of jerry thomas
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Higgledy piggledy
Hic et ubiquity
Published his excellent
Poem for Ros,

Which, despite the misspelled
Honour and favourite
Merits applause.
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Picture of C J Strolin
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Both these last two are excellent.

They are also excellent examples of why I'm trying so hard not to get sucked back into this thread. Talk about time-consuming!!
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Well done! I am impressed.


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Picture of WinterBranch
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Okay, okay, OKAY!

I'll be the ignorant newbie. For heaven's sake, I've been called worse.

This double dactyl stuff looks fun! Like Uber-limericks. (And yes, I know the 'u' should have that umlauty thing, and no, I don't know how to make it)

(By the way, Kalleh, that Rudy T one was lovely!)

I think I've picked up how they work from reading several, and I'm sure somewhere I can find where the rules for them were posted.

On the other hand, I would so appreciate it if one of you nice people would explain it. (I'd prefer small words! Wink )

Or is there a FAQ hidden around here somewhere?
(I'd look around more, but I'm afraid I might find some hidden stash of blackmail photos of Kalleh and Richard English drinking Schlitz Malt Liquor together!) Wink
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Picture of WinterBranch
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I wrote:
(I'd look around more, but I'm afraid I might find some hidden stash of blackmail photos of Kalleh and Richard English drinking Schlitz Malt Liquor together!)

Afterwards, I read in that Community section that I should add arnie and Bobhale to the possible blackmail photos! (Tsk! tsk!)
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Picture of BobHale
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Originally posted by WinterBranch:
I wrote:
(I'd look around more, but I'm afraid I might find some hidden stash of blackmail photos of Kalleh and Richard English drinking Schlitz Malt Liquor together!)

Afterwards, I read in that Community section that I should add arnie and Bobhale to the possible blackmail photos! (Tsk! tsk!)

If you find any blackmail photos of me can I have copies please ? 6 x 4 glossies will do just fine.

Glaubt es mir - das Geheimnis, um die größte Fruchtbarkeit und den größten Genuß vom Dasein einzuernten, heisst: gefährlich leben.
- Friedrich Nietzsche

Read all about my travels around the world here.
Read even more of my travel writing and poems on my weblog.
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Picture of C J Strolin
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Originally posted by WinterBranch:
On the other hand, I would so appreciate it if one of you nice people would explain it. (I'd prefer small words!

The complete list of the double dactyl rules, in the strictest sense, can be found in my post of Feb 27, '03 on the first page of this thread.

Again "in the strictest sense," if your DD (by group mutual agreement, "DD" = "double dactyl" to save time) does not follow each and every one of the rules to the letter, sorry, but what you've got is not a DD. At best it is a failed DD or, if you prefer, an almost DD.

Having said that, many of the DDs you'll see, here and elsewhere, don't actually make the grade this way and yet still (one would like to think) have merit. By way of illustration on this point, I am exceedingly proud of my Feb 28, '03 DD on the first page of this thread even though the second line "Mister Fred Rogers was" has the correct number of syllables only with the inclusion of that damn "was" at the end. Technically, my beloved DD is a 100% failure because of this one flaw seeing as how DDs, by definition, are flawless (again, depending on how strictly one chooses to follow the rules) and yet I am very fond of this one.

Have you checked out the first two pages of this thread? We've got some truly excellent work posted. Here's looking forward to you adding to it!

[This message was edited by C J Strolin on Tue Sep 9th, 2003 at 17:24.]
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Picture of WinterBranch
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I'm trying, it's my first time:
be gentle

Actual attempt deleted, because it was awful!

[This message was edited by WinterBranch on Wed Sep 10th, 2003 at 19:43.]
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Picture of shufitz
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CJ, don't be scaring WD with what you admit is "the strictest interpretation I found." Smile "Strictest" doesn't necessarily mean "correct". Big Grin

WB, to see the accurate requirements, scan these posts by Tross, Hab and me. And when in doubt as to whether something is a "rule", just check examples on this site to see whether the inventors of the double-dactyl form (Anthony Hecht, Paul Pascal and John Hollander) ever veered from that "rule".

Putting it all together, a double-dactyl is two quatrains, rhymed, in this meter:

...... BUMpety – BUMpety
...... BUMpety – BUMpety
...... BUMpety – BUMpety
...... BUMpety – BUMP.

meeting these further requirements:

...... Higgledy-piggledy.¹
...... Dactylic doubleters²
...... Write on a person, in
...... Meter shown here.

...... Two quatrains rhyming; a
...... Line in the second is
...... Hexasyllabical.³
...... There you go, dear!

That alone is hard enough, so don't let CJ load further requirements on you. Big Grin

¹ 1st line typically is reduplicative nonesense, but it need not be.
² 2nd line is entirely the name of the person on whom the poem is written. (Mine above is defective, for it's not a proper name.) The person may historical as CJ says or current ("Pamala Anderson") or even fictional. Usually only one person, but may be two linked people ("Gilbert and Sullivan"; "Rogers and Hammerstein") who fill the line in proper meter.
³ The one-word line may be the 6th (most typical), 5th or 7th.
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Picture of shufitz
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PS: The link to a site listing DD's is not what I hoped; the better one I'd seen may now be defunct. But I did find this, by Hollander:

Starting with nonsense words
Then comes a name (making
Line number two);

Somewhere along in the
Terminal quatrain, a
Word, and we're through.
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Picture of jerry thomas
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Big Grin Wintery Branchery
Cool Texas Anonymous
Thinks double dactyls are
Big Grin Hard to display

Eek We know her efforts are
Smile Incalculatable
And she will certainly
Razz Write one some day

~~~ Smile

[This message was edited by jerry thomas on Wed Sep 10th, 2003 at 2:50.]
Posts: 6708 | Location: Kehena Beach, Hawaii, U.S.A.Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of C J Strolin
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Hey, These aren't MY rules!!

One reason I love DDs is that they are so damn hard to create. Compare them with, say, "free verse" (Don't get me started - it's a sore subject!) and there's no comparison. Call me elitist and I won't argue. BUT!! Post a four-line nine-syllable "poem" and call it a haiku and, yes, I'll probably jump in to, at the very least, gently correct you.

It's Wednesday (Monday, part 3, by my schedule) and I'm not even supposed to be here but another Wordcrafter contacted me outside this board to rag on me for not posting a DD for our newbie. OK, Be that way!

Puddem Up! Puddem Up!

Sylvia Winterbranch
Likes a good fight on the
Wordcrafter board.

Say you like Budweiser
And by R.E. you will
Not be ignored.

Taking all of five minutes, I can't claim this is one of my best. Among its flaws:

1.) A while back, Kalleh took to inserting ghost middle initials into the five-syllable names of her DD subjects in order to make them fit the format, much to the consternation of hubby Shufitz. If she can come up with an initial, I don't see why I can't invent an entire first name. Perfection? No. "Against the rules"? I think not.

2.) I enjoy adding a title to my DDs but I'm fairly alone in this regard. This title is a throwback to a discussion on another thread and is, of course, my approximation of Bert Lahr as The Cowardly Lion.

3.) "Enthusiastically" could be pronouced with seven syllables (and often is) thereby screwing up the DD. But don't, OK? For me?

4.) Belated welcome to the board, WinterBranch. Check out all the DDs and you'll get a fair idea of what's what. They're all good but I'm somewhat partial to Hic et Ubique's, TrossL's, and (blush) my own but that's just me.
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Picture of shufitz
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Originally posted by C J Strolin:
I'm somewhat partial to Hic et Ubique's, TrossL's, and (blush) my own but that's just me.

Nah, it isn't just you. I concur wholeheartedly.

... which gives me an idea ...
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Picture of jerry thomas
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Originally posted by C J Strolin:
I'm somewhat partial to Hic et Ubique's, TrossL's, and (blush) my own but that's just me.

... and Shufitz concurred ...... and so do I.

And yet ..... "My own aren't all that bad, but then there's no accounting for taste," I say, tastelessly.
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Picture of WinterBranch
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Thanks jerry and CJ for the DD's and thanks CJ and shufitz for guidelines!

Big Grin

(WinterBranch wanders off mumbling to herself, 'Sylvia?!' ) Wink
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Picture of Kalleh
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(By the way, Kalleh, that Rudy T one was lovely!)
Well, thank you, Winterbranch! Big Grin I needed that! I specifically noticed that CJ had complimented the "last 2 double dactyls" when the one previous to them had been mine. And, I do try to very hard at these; they aren't easy! Roll Eyes Mad
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Picture of C J Strolin
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Originally posted by Kalleh:
I specifically noticed that CJ had complimented the "last 2 double dactyls" when the one previous to them had been mine. And, I do try to very hard at these; they aren't easy! Roll Eyes Mad

Oh, hush!

As much praise as I've heaped on your work only to have you launch a staunch counter-argument stating your work is substandard! It's not and we all know it. Now, contrary-wise, I wouldn't label it "uniformly brilliant" but (with the possible exception of Hic's) whose is?

Plus, perhaps that particular DD in question did not move me as much as it might had I been more of a Gilbert & Sullivan scholar. I mean "Ruddigore, Sorcerer"?? If you say so...

Oh, and a sidenote. Happened across a little trivia tidbit the other day which reminded me of a post earlier in this thread. According to this fairly reliable source, 20 out of the first 30 U. S. Presidents had no middle name or initial. Interesting, if true, and would explain your difficulty with Thomas Q. Jefferson (or whatever).
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And the S in Harry S Truman (there was no period) stood for nothing at all. It was a diplomatic stroke by his parents to name him after both his grandfathers (each of whom had an S) rather than choosing one and offending the other.
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Picture of Kalleh
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Oh, hush!

As much praise as I've heaped on your work only to have you launch a staunch counter-argument stating your work is substandard!
CJ, if you will look, my "whining" only occurred when I first began to write double dactyls...when my confidence was low. Heck, I had never written so much as a limerick, or even a poem, before this board. Once I got the hang of writing double dactyls, I began to enjoy writing them......and I now like mine! So there! Razz

As far as my G&S double dactyl, I will admit it isn't all that great. However, I love Gilbert and Sullivan, and "Rudigore" happens to be one of my favorites.

To WinterBranch: In my opinion there are 4 parts to double dactyls The men here make writing them sound so complicated!

1) They have to have the right meter. dum, dum, dum, dum, dum, dum. Oftentimes people "push the envelope" on that rule; to me, if the meter is off, it isn't a double dactyl. I will never compromise this rule.

2) The 4th and 8th line are dum, dum, dum, dum...and they rhyme. I can't tell you how many times I have forgotten that rhyme, only to be reminded by Shufitz.

3) The double dactyl should be about a name that has the double dactyl meter, for example, "Gilbert and Sullivan." Once you begin to write them and learn the meter, you will gleefully identify names to use; that's when you're hooked! I remember the day I realized that "Jennifer Aniston" is perfect. I use a fair amount of "academic freedom" here, as CJ has touched upon. For example, adding middle initials or in your birthday greeting, "Greetings to WinterBranch."

4) In the 5th, 6th, or 7th line there must be a 6 syllable word with the correct double dactyl meter, such as "characteristically." These are not hard to find; I often use a thesaurus. The "ality" words are often good, such as "impracticality."

And, of course, as Shufitz says, they usually start with a reduplicative nonsense phrase (though not essential), with the double dactyl meter. When I can't think of anything clever, I use "higgledy, piggledy."

Try one, WinterBranch! You'll like it!

[This message was edited by Kalleh on Tue Sep 23rd, 2003 at 9:40.]
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Higgledy, Piggledy,
W Snopes.com
Hornswoggled me.

Says Ed's a zebra and,
Was disingenuous.
What trickery!
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Picture of Kalleh
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Higgledy Piggledy
Robert C. Atkins says
No carbohydrates, but
Plenty of fat.

Skim milk's discouraged, but
Cream is allowed. It seems
Snopes, look at that!
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Picture of Kalleh
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Higgledy, Piggledy
Kalleh of Wordcrafter
Posts about "pleural" when
"Plural's" the word.

That's not a typo nor
Is it a malaprop.
Tinman has purred.

[This message was edited by Kalleh on Mon Dec 29th, 2003 at 7:31.]
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Picture of Hic et ubique
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Sloppy and slovenly
Errors of pronunci-
ation? Here's one that in-
furiates me:

Many folks think the word's
I indeFATiga-
bly disagree.
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Picture of Kalleh
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Higgledy Piggledy
Samuel Johnson de-
Fining "peruse" says
"Read" is just fine.
Wordcrafters criticize:
I must malign!

[This message was edited by Kalleh on Tue Dec 30th, 2003 at 19:54.]
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Picture of Kalleh
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I am having an exacerbation of ohrwurm dactylitis. A couple of aspirin and a little rest, and I will recover! Big Grin

Kashmiri, Kashmiri
Tensions are melting as
Talks have begun.
Pressure was present, but
Personal visions are
What may have won.
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Soometimes the verses are the least of it, and finding DD names and six-syllable DD words is the real problem. In that spirit I offer the start of a list with

Annakin Skywalker
Dumbo the Elephant
Jesus of Nazareth
Harold in Italy
Charlie the Tunafish
Alice in Wonderland
Ludwig von Beethoven
Wilmington, Del.
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Clovis, New Mexico
Little Rock, Arkansas
Gatlinburg, Tennessee
Pend D'Oreille, Idaho
Fond du Lac, Michigan
Infrared Ridinghood
HMS Pinafore
Gilbert and Sullivan

[This message was edited by jerry thomas on Thu Jan 8th, 2004 at 9:22.]
Posts: 6708 | Location: Kehena Beach, Hawaii, U.S.A.Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of C J Strolin
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Excellent India-Pakistan piece, Kalleh. Topical, great meter, makes a fine point. Well done!

It's been too long since I've dipped a toe into the all-too-cool (in both senses of the word) waters of the ever-popular DD form, and I'm certainly not alone in this, so may I suggest we turn this into another challenge? The rules:

1. Entries must be in the form of a double dactyl. (Duh!)

2. The DD must be from a universe other than our own.

3. The subject of the DD must result from the twisted combination of two parts of the topics Haberdasher and/or J.T. suggested in their Jan 8th posts (hence the "other universe" angle).

For example:

New at McDonald's in the Detroit Area: McLoaves & Fishes

Jesus of Michigan
Born in the Midwest two
Centuries past.

These days his homeland is
(If they strike oil there you
Know that won't last!)

So, Yes? No? Does the idea of "Ludwig von Tunafish" inspire anyone? How about it, B.H., "Dumbo in Wonderland" maybe??

As relatively lackluster a response as there was to the more-vowels-than-consonants-things-you-can-wear challenge elsewhere, I wouldn't bet on this considerably more difficult one being super popular but, then again, who knows what the future may bring?

[This message was edited by C J Strolin on Thu Jan 8th, 2004 at 15:12.]
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Picture of Hic et ubique
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Higgledy piggeldy,
W. Jefferson
Clinton, in earlier
Decades, had won

Office in beautiful
Little Rock, Arkansas –
Wish he'd been done!
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Picture of jerry thomas
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Whoppery Floppery
Burger King customers
Trying to add to the
Pounds that they weigh

Are hearing comments on
Seems you can no longer
Have it your way.
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Picture of BobHale
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Originally posted by C J Strolin:
How about it, B.H., "Dumbo in Wonderland" maybe??

It pains me to admit it but I'm not very good at double dactyls. Still, nothing ventured etc.

Not quite Dumbo but how about

Jiggery Pokery
Dubya in Wonderland
Searching for weapons but
Frustrated 'coz
He couldn't find any
Guessed that they'd hidden them
Next door in Oz.

Every silver lining has a cloud.
Read all about my travels around the world here.
Read even more of my travel writing and poems on my weblog.
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Taxpayers maxpayers
Mayor John Peyton, when
Looking at poverty,
Saw a disgrace;

Prosperity's coming to
Jacksonville, Florida,
Proving that city is
Not Peyton Place.
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Picture of Kalleh
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First, thank you, CJ, for the nice compliment! Big Grin

These are fun! And, what do you mean, Bob, that you're not good at these? I loved yours!

How about increasing the pool of names? Remember the ones that Hic posted way back when? Let's add those to the list.
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Rubbery shrubbery
Fiesta Brand Condoms now
Come in five colors,
So the ads say.

Lackluster customers
Painting the lily
Have a nice day.

[This message was edited by jerry thomas on Sun Jan 11th, 2004 at 14:27.]
Posts: 6708 | Location: Kehena Beach, Hawaii, U.S.A.Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of shufitz
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I recently found a couple of published DD's, and will post one of them to keep this thread in our minds. Smile A bit by Leonard Miall about Teddy Kennedy:
Tiddlely Quiddlely
Edward M. Kennedy
Quite unaccountably
Drove in a stream.

Pleas of amnesia
Possibly shattered po-
litical dream.
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Higgledy, Piggledy,
Kay Hudlow Charbonneau
Recently joined in the
Wordcrafter hoard.

Of our famed "Peach State" she's
While Trossl's absent so
Welcome aboard!

Note to KHC: You're not officially a Wordcrafter until you come up with one of these damnably mind-twisting poems. (Heh, heh...) Complete rules are in the Feb 27, 2003 post on the first page of this thread.
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Picture of Kalleh
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Yes, KHC, Please try one! As CJ says, the full rules are posted. They are easier than they look. For example, look at CJ's (nice, CJ! Wink). The 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 6th, 7th lines have a double dactyl rhythm duh duh duh duh duh duh. The first line starts with something frivolous, like "higgledy piggledy"; the second line is the name of somebody (rather hard sometimes so I cheat a bit!); the 4th and 8th lines rhyme and have the rhythm of duh duh duh duh; and in the 5th, 6th or 7th line there should be a 6 syllable word with the double dactyl rhythm.

There, that's not bad, is it? The 6-syllable word sounds much harder to find than it is. For example, most "ality" words work, like "originality." For me, the hardest part is the name, so I might do something like, "Kalleh of Wordcrafter."
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I'm working on one... it is a brain strain, but much fun! I have a proof-reader, standing in the wings, before I post..

Who says this is not intimidating?

Thanks, Kalleh, for your kind words.
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Just to let you know KHC, before this bulletin board I had never heard of double dactyls. Now, I cannot resist them! In fact, I become embarrassed when I post too many, and I become exhilarated when someone revives this thread! Roll Eyes

As you will see posted here previously, I definitely have a case of double dactylitis!

So....thanks, CJ, for the opportunity of writing another! Wink

Higgledy Piggledy
Newbies on Wordcrafter
Dazzle our posters with
Language pizzaz!
Question mark genesis,
Word games and more; they add

Welcome aput, Robert, Jheem and KHC! We have all enjoyed your presence and hope that you stay with us.

[By the way, there are 2 spellings of the last word: "razzmatazz" or "razzamatazz." The latter is chiefly British, but it's the form that works in this double dactyl.]
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