The Written Word

Poetry, Lyrics, and Literature. Tell us about the words that move your soul.
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No New ContentHot TopicDiscussion TopicLatkesKalleh51515 
by zmježd
No New ContentHot TopicDiscussion TopicJoie de vivreKalleh51394 
by Kalleh
No New ContentHot TopicDiscussion TopicLink the Lyrics (again)   Page 1 2 ... 22 23 Morgan11084173865-star Rating (1 Vote)
by Kalleh
No New ContentHot TopicDiscussion Topichƿætgoofy112192 
by zmježd
No New ContentHot TopicDiscussion TopicHalloweenKalleh41724 
by Kalleh
No New ContentHot TopicDiscussion TopicGerman peevers are fuming!Kalleh122246 
by Kalleh
No New ContentHot TopicDiscussion TopicEuphemisms for teachersKalleh137963 
by goofy
No New ContentHot TopicDiscussion TopicAufrufKalleh41898 
by Kalleh
No New ContentHot TopicDiscussion TopicMore jargon...Kalleh31046 
by Kalleh
No New ContentHot TopicDiscussion TopicI won't be going to Russia after allGeoff21180 
by Kalleh
No New ContentHot TopicDiscussion TopicWilding attackKalleh31642 
by Geoff
No New ContentHot TopicDiscussion TopicAttention Kalleh: e-word sightingarnie61526 
by Kalleh
No New ContentHot TopicDiscussion TopicHam-handed challengesKalleh61587 
by <Proofreader>
No New ContentHot TopicDiscussion TopicInteresting blog posts   Page 1 2 3 arnie12327783 
by Kalleh
No New ContentHot TopicDiscussion TopicMy poemKalleh31237 
by Kalleh
No New ContentHot TopicDiscussion Topic35 DaysBobHale469225 
by Kalleh
No New ContentHot TopicDiscussion Topicgangsta wordsKalleh0976 
No New ContentHot TopicDiscussion TopicRegionalismsKalleh41346 
by Kalleh
No New ContentHot TopicDiscussion TopicUse of apostrophe in patent lawsuitKalleh53777 
by Kalleh
No New ContentHot TopicDiscussion TopicAuf Wiedersehen to Germany’s longest wordgoofy31115 
by Kalleh
No New ContentHot TopicDiscussion Topicfood poems?Kalleh52693 
by Kalleh
No New ContentHot TopicDiscussion TopicSpeak English   Page 1 2 <Proofreader>5815997 
by Kalleh
No New ContentHot TopicDiscussion TopicThe apostrophe banKalleh112193 
by Kalleh
No New ContentHot TopicDiscussion TopicThe Amateur GrammarianBobHale1843 
by Kalleh
No New ContentHot TopicDiscussion TopicThe new and the old...Kalleh174311 
by BobHale
No New ContentHot TopicDiscussion TopicNonsense that won't dieBobHale31191 
by Kalleh
No New ContentHot TopicDiscussion TopicHoly Sh*tCaterwauller11122 
by Kalleh
No New ContentHot TopicDiscussion TopicVisionaryKalleh102191 
by Kalleh
No New ContentHot TopicDiscussion TopicIs an ampersand a word?Kalleh187908 
by Kalleh
No New ContentHot TopicDiscussion TopicQuotations   Page 1 2 3 4 Kalleh18961757 
by Kalleh
No New ContentHot TopicDiscussion Topic'Mood-Words' in US & Brit Literaturebethree561583 
by arnie
No New ContentHot TopicDiscussion TopicToilet paper orientationarnie54249 
by Kalleh
No New ContentHot TopicDiscussion TopicThe Pun Also RisesGeoff81608 
by arnie
No New ContentHot TopicDiscussion TopicPlease Enunciate When Singingbethree52872 
by Kalleh
No New ContentHot TopicDiscussion TopicA favourite legal quoteBobHale61603 
by arnie
No New ContentHot TopicDiscussion TopicHorsemeatBobHale163100 
by Kalleh
No New ContentHot TopicDiscussion TopicBeatboxingKalleh21324 
by Kalleh
No New ContentHot TopicDiscussion TopicPassport to the pubarnie142936 
by Geoff
No New ContentHot TopicDiscussion TopicGreat e-mails #2   Page 1 2 Hic et ubique8724802 
by arnie
No New ContentHot TopicDiscussion TopicAnother suggested new punctuation markarnie31540 
by Kalleh
No New ContentHot TopicDiscussion TopicThe grammar nerds have spoken!Kalleh91473 
by Kalleh
No New ContentHot TopicDiscussion TopicNotoriousarnie142152 
by Kalleh
No New ContentHot TopicDiscussion TopicTranslation and blank verseBobHale112281 
by Kalleh
No New ContentHot TopicDiscussion TopicWhat It Is to Be a SlaveKalleh1778 
by Kalleh
No New ContentHot TopicDiscussion TopicWhat's your opinion?<Proofreader>348248 
by Kalleh
No New ContentHot TopicDiscussion TopicThe unsuccessful self-treatment of a case of "writer's block"arnie61627 
by Kalleh
No New ContentHot TopicDiscussion TopicSandburg poem surfacesKalleh31146 
by Kalleh
No New ContentHot TopicDiscussion TopicYou can't make up headlines like this!Geoff41218 
by Kalleh
No New ContentHot TopicDiscussion TopicWho cares about English? Panel discussion recordingarnie51581 
by Kalleh
No New ContentHot TopicDiscussion TopicIs Facebook too self-promoting?Kalleh61229 
by Kalleh
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